UNIT 5 - Урок 2 - Тексты для аудирования к рабочей тетради

Английский язык 7 класс - Книга для учителя к учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой - 2015 год

UNIT 5 - Урок 2 - Тексты для аудирования к рабочей тетради

Аудиозапись № 19

Jane: Brian, dear, I want to say how much I’ve enjoyed your presentation today. It was terrific. Are you really so much interested in ecology?

Brian: Yes, I am. The more I study the subject, the more interested I get.

Jane: Yes, but why the ecology of the oceans?

Brian: The world oceans still keep their mysteries from us. And they are very important for the future of the planet.

Jane: What mysteries are you talking about?

Brian: Let me give you an example. What do you know about the blue whale?

Jane: The blue whale? I’ve never heard of it. Is it really blue?

Brian: Yes, this animal was named so for its bluish-grey colour. It looks blue under the water and grey on the surface.

Jane: So what is so special about this species?

Brian: It’s the largest animal that has lived on our planet. Its heart is as large as a car. Its tongue alone can weigh as much as an elephant.

Jane: You don’t say so! It’s amazing!

Brian: Blue whales can “talk” with each other and their calls are really loud. They are among the world’s longest-lived animals. They can live to be about 110 years old.

Jane: You seem to know so much about the blue whale. But why have you mentioned them?

Brian: They are one of the most endangered species in the world. Only a few thousand blue whales swim in the world’s oceans. People have hunted them for many years, and now they are nearly extinct. Some time ago the blue whale became a protected species. Today they seem to be growing in numbers.

Jane: It’s good news.

Brian: Yes, you’re right. But scientists know they are not out of danger yet.

Аудиозапись № 20

Nowadays it is difficult not to think and not to speak about ecology. When we turn on the television or open a newspaper, we hear sad stories about pollution and damage to the environment. Over the past 200 years the pollution of Planet Earth has grown dramatically. People are trying to create a more comfortable life for themselves, and in so doing they are making terrible damage to the environment polluting air, land and sea. More and more forests are disappearing from the face of our planet and together with them plant and animal species. Rubbish dumps are growing everywhere andpolluting the environment. Our habitat is quickly losing its beauty.

However, we can do something to help protect the environment. There are a number of rules that seem to be very simple but really work if a lot of people follow them. For example, if we don’t throw out materials that can be recycled, if we recycle glass, metal, plastic and paper, we save energy (which means less pollution) and save trees from destruction. If we use our bicycles or walk as often as we can, we help to stop air pollution as motor cars, vans and lorries pollute the atmosphere causing damage to our health. If we save energy instead of wasting it, use less electricity at home, school and work, we also help to stop pollution. If we plant native trees in the countryside, we make our land more beautiful and also make homes for wildlife. If we clear rubbish from rivers, lakes and ponds, we make them attractive to plants and wildlife and help our Mother Nature. If we keep our towns and countryside clean, we stop polluting land. Try to talk your family and friends into following these rules. As we all know, every little helps. It is very important to “think globally, and act locally”.

Аудиозапись № 21

Necessary, environment, waste, among, discomfort, responsible, behaviour, survive, influence, extinct, protection, damage, habitat, person, pour.

Аудиозапись № 22

a) Nature, unpolluted, payment, disbelieve, endanger, pollution, disagree, enjoyment, law, member, dump, protect, factory, habitat, among, movement;

b) between you and me, the beauties of nature, the problems of the environment, to survive in the ocean, to protect wildlife, to pollute the environment, to turn into a rubbish dump, necessary for our health, to be responsible for other people, to recycle glass, plastic and paper;

c) I’d like to know more about the endangered species of animals living on our planet. Air pollution damages forests. People would like to live in an unpolluted world. What is necessary to save our environment? Everyone hates dishonest behaviour. Don’t waste time, help Mother Nature now. That old film had a great influence on me. There is a great number of factories in this part of the city. By the way, I’ve taken down everything you said. No one will help us, if we don’t help ourselves.

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