Английский язык книга для учителя 4 класс - И. Н. Верещагина - 2016 год



Lesson 1

Exercise 1. There are four — winter, spring, summer and autumn. Yes, they are. Exercise 2. In Russia summer begins in June and winter begins in December, in England summer begins in May and winter begins in November.

Exercise 3. a) summer b) spring c) winter

Exercise 10. (1.) When does it rain in Moscow? Where does it rain in autumn? (2.) Does it ever snow in Africa? Where does it never snow? (3.) When does it usually rain? Does it usually rain in October?

Lesson 2

Exercise 1. 1. boots, shoes, sandals, trainers; 2. a coat, a jacket, a sweater, boots, trousers; 3. a hat, a T-shirt/a coat, a scarf; 4. dresses, blouses, skirts; 5. jeans, T-shirts, sweaters, trousers, trainers, shoes.

Exercise 2. Mike is wearing blue shorts, a green T-shirt, a red cap, red shoes and white socks. Jill is wearing a pink dress, white socks and blue shoes. Ann is wearing a white blouse, a green skirt, a brown jacket and high yellow boots. She has a yellow bag on her arm. Mr Black is wearing a purple jacket, a yellow sweater, brown trousers and yellow shoes. Tom and Nick are wearing yellow caps, red jackets, blue trousers, grey and brown boots. They have yellow mittens on. Mrs Smith is wearing a green coat, brown shoes and a brown hat. Mr Smith is wearing a dark green coat, grey trousers, a yellow scarf and brown shoes.

Exercise 3. A. c); B. b); C. d); D. b).

Lesson 3

Exercise 1. The Adams — a wife, a husband. The Greens — a granny, a father, a mother, an aunt, an uncle, a baby, 2 sons and a daughter. The Smiths — grandparents, parents and 3 children (two brothers and a sister).

Exercise 3. 1. a doctor (a nurse); 2. a teacher; 3. pilots; 4. pupils (schoolchildren); 5. a cosmonaut.

Exercise 4. Alice’s mother is a doctor; ... father is an engineer; ... uncle is a driver; ... sister is a teacher; ... brother is a pupil.

Exercise 7. Bob has 7 relatives. They are — his uncle, his cousin, his two grannies, his baby brother and his parents (his mother and his father).

Lesson 4

Exercise 1. There is some milk, bread, jam, lemonade, cheese, coffee, tea, porridge on the first table. There are some cakes, tomatoes, oranges, bananas, eggs, potatoes, carrots, sweets on the second table.

Exercise 2. 1. milk, porridge, eggs; 2. bacon and eggs; 3. ...; 4. cakes, sweets, sugar; 5. ...

Exercise 10. 1. some; 2. any; 3. some; 4. some; 5. any; 6. some; 7. any.

Lesson 5

Exercise 1. 1. dogs, cats, sheep, horses, cows, hens, cocks, ducks; 2. geese, ducks, goats, horses; 3. giraffes, elephants, crocodiles, monkeys; 4. giraffes, monkeys, cows, horses, sheep, hares, pigs; 5. hares, bears, wolves, cats, dogs; 6. lions, tigers, elephants, wolves, crocodiles; 7. parrots, hares, bears, mice, dogs, ducks, horses; 8. ...

Exercise 2. 1. the dog; 2. a fish; 3. a horse; 4. an elephant; 5. a monkey.

Exercise 3. The giraffe can’t eat hares. Giraffes don’t eat animals. White bears don’t live in hot countries where palms grow. They like fish and meat. Wolves don’t live in cold countries where there is a lot of ice. They live in forests and eat other animals. They don’t eat leaves.

Exercise 4. 1) kittens and cats, puppies and dogs 2) Yes, they do. People sometimes find little wild animals that have no mothers and take them home and look after them.

Exercise 8. 1. C; 2. B; 3. A.

Lesson 6

Exercise 2. Christmas Day is on the 25th of December. Easter Sunday is late March or early April. New Year’s Day is on the 31st of December/1st of January. Mothering Sunday is in May. Halloween is on the 31st of October. April Fools’ Day is on the 1st of April. Remembrance Day is on the 11th of November. St Valentine’s Day is on the 14th of February.

Exercise 4. 1. Christmas; 2. a doll, a book.

Exercise 10. 1. were; 2. was, were; 3. was; 4. were.

Exercise 11. was, gave, died, called, began, got, were, sent, put.

Lesson 7

Exercise 1. skiing, skating, football, badminton, basketball, tennis, swimming.

Exercise 8. 4.

Exercise 12. 1. Who went to the mountains last winter? Where did you go last winter? When did you go to the mountains? Did you go ...? Did you go to the mountains or ...? You went to the mountains last winter, didn’t you? 2. What was yesterday? When was your birthday? Whose birthday was it yesterday? Was it your birthday yesterday? Was it your birthday or ...? It was your birthday yesterday, wasn’t it? 3. Who was on holiday last year? Whose brother was on holiday last year? Where was your brother last year? Was your brother on holiday in autumn last year? Was your brother on holiday in autumn or ...? My brother was on holiday in autumn last year, wasn’t he?

Lesson 8

Exercise 1. I get up at seven o’clock in the morning. He has lunch in the afternoon. They go to bed at ten o’clock at night. She gets up in the morning. We watch TV at seven o’clock in the evening. I speak English to my teacher in the afternoon.

Exercise 2. When will you go out of the house? What will you do at 10 o’clock? Who will feed the birds? With whom will you have lunch? When will you go home? Exercise 10. 1. Will you go to the swimming pool? 2. Who will call us?/Will they call us or shall we call them?/What will they do? 3. Why will you go there? 4. Where will he go with his father?/With whom will he soon go to the mountains?/Will he soon go to the mountains with his father or ...? 5. What will she buy for lunch? Will she buy bread or (cakes) for lunch? Who will buy bread for lunch?

Exercise 11. 1. You won’t meet Max at 5. 2. Next week she won’t help you about the house. 3. I shan’t go shopping on Saturday. 4. We shan’t do our homework at night. 5. He won’t take a shower after dinner. 6. You won’t go to bed late.

Lesson 9

Exercise 6. 2. Yesterday was Sunday. Today is Monday. Tomorrow will be Tuesday. 3. Yesterday was Wednesday. Today is Thursday. Tomorrow will be Friday. 4. Yesterday was Friday. Today is Saturday. Tomorrow will be Sunday. 5. Yesterday was Thursday. Today is Friday. Tomorrow will be Saturday. 6. Yesterday was Tuesday. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow will be Thursday.

Exercise 7. 1. — b; in the afternoon, 2. — a; at twelve o’clock, 3. — c; in winter, 4. — h; on Sunday, 5. — f; 2001, 6. — d; on the 25th of July, 7. — g; the evening, 8. — e; the 1st of April

Exercise 11. Susan’s diary Exercise 12. She swam.

Exercise 17. In summer, in September, on the 1st ..., on Sunday, on Monday, at 8.30, in the morning.

Lesson 10

Exercise 10. 1. Shall I go shopping? 2. Shall I write a story? 3. Shall we go to the museum? 4. Shall I cook? 5. Shall I wash the dishes?

Exercise 14. 1. False. 2. True. 3. False. 4. True. 5. True.

Lesson 11

Exercise 1. 1. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday; 2. a pencil; 3. a uniform; 4. a blackboard; 5. Saturday and Sunday; 6. P.E.; 7. a museum; 8. Handicraft.

Exercise 2. 1. at; 2. in; 3. after (before); 4. On; 5. in; 6. before.

Exercise 3. 1. Shall I close the window? 2. Shall I go shopping? 3. Shall I open the door? 4. Shall I wash the dishes? 5. Shall I draw a picture?

Exercise 7. It is half past six. It is half past eleven. It is half past two. It is half past three. It is half past eight. It is half past ten.

Exercise 8. a) 1. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning. 2. They usually go to school at half past eight. 3. They usually have an English class at 10 o’clock in the morning. 4. They usually have lunch at half past twelve. 5. They usually play football at half past one. 6. He usually goes to bed at half past nine. b) 1. It is 7 o’clock in the morning. He is getting up. 2. It is half past eight. They are going to school. 3. It is 10 o’clock. They are having an English class. 4. It is half past twelve. They are having lunch. 5. It is half past one. They are playing football. 6. It is half past nine. He is going to bed.

Exercise 11. Учиться никогда не поздно.

Exercise 13. 1. False. 2. False. 3. True. 4. Don’t know. 5. False.

Exercise 14. 3, 1, 5, 2, 4.

Exercise 17. 1. classes; 2. class; 3. they play in the playground; 4. uniform.

Lesson 12

Exercise 1. 1. Not true. 2. Not true. 3. True. 4. Not true. 5. Not true. 6. True.

Exercise 3. 1. P.E. class; 2. ...; 3. I was at the museum. 4. the timetable; 5. classes; 6. classes.

Exercise 5. wall, window, bookcase, books, blackboard, map, teacher, teacher’s table, desks, bags, exercise book, pen, pencil, pupils, floor, flowers

Exercise 6. There is a blackboard, a bookcase, a teacher’s table, a chair, some desks and a lot of books there. They are in the bookcase and on the table. She is at the blackboard (at the door). They are on the floor. The map is on the blackboard.

Exercise 8. 1. hasn’t he? 2. are there? 3. can they? 4. does she? 5. is it?

Exercise 9. Лучше поздно, чем никогда (но ещё лучше не опаздывать). Exercise 11. 1. False. 2. False. 3. True. 4. True. 5. Don’t know. 6. False. 7. False.

Lesson 13

Exercise 1.1. a classroom; 2. a bookcase; 3. a blackboard; 4. Maths; 5. a desk.

Exercise 2. There is a window, a picture, a blackboard, two walls, a floor, a table, a chair, a timetable, two books, some pencils and a jacket in the classroom.

Exercise 3. 1. She wants to go to the museum. 2. She wants to wear a uniform. 3. He wants to study Maths. 4. They want to buy pencils and exercise books. 5. They want to meet Cinderella.

Exercise 7. 1. They are singing. 2. He is going to school. 3. He is counting. 4. They are laughing. 5. They are meeting.

Exercise 10. 1. ... don’t you? 2. ... can’t she? 3. ... did he? 4. ... aren’t you? 5. ... is he? Exercise 12. No, she didn’t.

Exercise 17. ... Peter got up, he left, he met ..., and joined ..., they went ..., they laughed, sang, they went home, had lunch ..., did their homework.

Lesson 14

Exercise 1. 1. did we? 2. aren’t they? 3. can’t we? 4. do they? 5. is there? 6. weren’t there? 7. do they? 8. shan’t we?

Exercise 3. leave, count, poor, join, work, song, yet

Exercise 4. a blackboard, a desk, a teacher’s table, a chair, a window, a bookcase ...

Exercise 6. a window, two walls, a bookcase, a lot of books, a blackboard, a timetable, a chair, a bag, a table, some desks, a ruler, a pen, some pencils, some exercise books.

Exercise 9. 1. 8.30; 2. 7; 3. No; 4. Yes.

Exercise 11. Хорошее начало полдела откачало.

Exercise 13. 1. False. 2. False. 3. False. 4. Don’t know. 5. True. 6. True. 7. Don’t know.

Lesson 15

Exercise 1. Subjects: Maths, Arithmetic, Handicraft, Music, P.E., Reading, English. Day of the week: Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, Thursday, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. Classroom: blackboard, book, desk, window, door, floor, pen (pencil).

Exercise 2. 1. laughed; 2. will leave; 3. count; 4. join; 5. sang; 6. work.

Exercise 6. 1. subjects; 2. subject; 3. get on; 4. over; 5. spend (stay); 6. important; 7. learn.

Exercise 9. 1. five or six; 2. at 9 o’clock; 3. eleven; 4. two.

Exercise 12. a) infant school; b) at the age of eleven.

Exercise 13. 1. Disagree; 2. Agree; 3. Agree; 4. Agree; 5. Disagree; 6. Agree; 7. Disagree.

Lesson 16

Exercise 2. — No, they don’t. They begin school at the age of four. — No, we don’t. We give names to schools. — No, they don’t. They spend seven years there. — But they do. They spend a lot of time outdoors. — No, they don’t. They begin school in September, but not always on the first day of the month or week. — No, not always. In many primary schools children wear uniforms but in some they don’t.

Exercise 3. 1. In September. 2. There is no need for them on their first day at school. They get them later. 3. They learn how to read, count and write. 4. They usually don’t. 5. In infant schools they spend much time outdoors, sing songs, act and play a lot, draw pictures. In junior schools real school begins, but they spend a lot of time outdoors, visit different museums and big cities.

Exercise 8. classroom, study, blackboard, pencil, pen, timetable, subject, Maths, Handicraft, class, uniform, lesson, Art, learn, count, rubber, ruler

Exercise 10. 1. False. 2. True. 3. True. 4. Don’t know. 5. True. 6. True.

Exercise 12. 1. pensil; 2. lesson; 3. November; 4. ruler.

Lesson 17

Exercise 2. It is a very strange classroom. The blackboard is on the window. There is a desk on the bookcase. There is a map on the door. There are pupils on the teacher’s table. The teacher is at the desk. There is a book, an exercise book, pencils, a pen, a ruler, a rubber on the floor.

Exercise 6. The boy is behind the tree, the cats are in front of the tree. They all are in front of the house. The girls and the puppy are in front of the house too.

Exercise 7. 1. a house; 2. a kitchen; 3. a bathroom; 4. a kitchen; 5. a bathroom; 6. flowers.

Exercise 13 a). The family left for Moscow last May because their house was not very comfortable.

Exercise 13 b). 1. Alec’s family lived in a small house last year. 2. They lived in the country. 3. There was a kitchen in the family’s house. 5. The walls in his room are yellow. 6. There are beautiful pictures on the walls. 7. The boy has a nice brown carpet on the floor.

Exercise 17. 1. did we? 2. isn’t there? 3. isn’t it? 4. have they? 5. can you? 6. is there?

Lesson 18

Exercise 1. in front of the house: girl, boy, granny, flowers, ball, toy, armchair; behind the house: toilet, apple tree.

Exercise 16. 4. 2. 7. 9. 1. 8. 3. 5. 6.

Exercise 18. 1. kitchen; 2. bedroom; 3. bathroom; 4. living room; 5. living room; 6. living room; 7. hall.

Lesson 19

Exercise 1. 1. No, you don’t have one hundred houses. 2. No, there are not twenty- five rooms in your house. 3. No, there are not seven bathrooms and four toilets in your house. 4. No, you don’t have ten windows in your bedroom. 5. No, your living room is not so large.

Exercise 3. 1. Bedrooms; 2. A living room; 3. A toilet; 4. Halls.

Exercise 4. leave, could not, lock, left, met, joined, laughed, shouted

Exercise 6. a bedroom, a bathroom, a toilet, a kitchen, a living room, a hall, a dining room; beds, lamps, a bath, a fire, armchairs, a carpet, a television, a table, chairs, windows, flowers.

Exercise 9. 1. small? 2. downstairs? 3. in your living room? 4. in the kitchen? 5. brown? 6. keep them anywhere?

Exercise 17. 2. table; 3. shout; 4. bus; 5. sun; 6. yet.

Lesson 20

Exercise 1. 1. a key; 2. a house (a flat); 3. a living room; 4. a dining room; 5. a fireplace.

Exercise 2. The bedrooms are upstairs. The bathroom is upstairs. The toilet is upstairs. The kitchen is downstairs. The dining room is downstairs. The living room is downstairs. The hall is downstairs.

Exercise 3. 1. do you? 2. isn’t there? 3. have you? 4. don’t you? 5. won’t you? 6. are you?

Exercise 7. In the green room I can see a mirror on the wall. I can see green curtains on the window. In the red room I can see two pictures and a big mirror on the wall. I can see blue curtains on the window.

Exercise 10. It is a living room. There is a table and three chairs in the middle of the room. There is a fireplace in one corner of the room, there is a television in the other. There are two armchairs in front of the fireplace. There are curtains on the window. There is a desk near the television. There is a sofa and a bookcase in the room. There is a carpet on the floor in front of the sofa. There is a mirror on the wall.

Exercise 12. 1. She is going to have a walk. 2. They are going to eat. 3. They are going to run. 4. She is going to watch television. 5. They are going to dance. 6. They are going to swim.

Exercise 21. 1. do you like dark curtains there?/in the bedroom? 2. six chairs? 3. two years ago? 4. 2? 5. in the bedroom?

Lesson 21

Exercise 4. Nick lives in a small house. It is near London. The house is small but lovely. The house is very quiet. There is not much furniture in it. Nick and his father often go by car.

Exercise 6. 1. He is going to take a shower (a bath). 2. She is going to have breakfast (lunch). 3. He is going to read. 4. Anna is going to buy the mirror. 5. They are going to play tennis. 6. They are going to play football.

Exercise 9. The park (the school) is opposite the museum. The stadium (the garden, the shop) is opposite Peter’s house. The sports ground is opposite the Zoo. The park is behind the museum. The garden is behind the school. The school is next to the shop. The school is next to the sports ground. The museum is next to the stadium. The shop is in front of the garden and next to the school. The museum is in front of the park. It is next to the Zoo and the stadium. The park is behind the museum, next to the stadium and next to the Zoo.

Exercise 16. 1. Where is the picture? 2. Where is the book? 3. Where is the lamp? 4. Where is the bookcase? 5. Where is the box? 6. It is on the floor (on the carpet). 7. They are on the bed. 8. They are under the chair. 9. They are in the bookcase. 10. It is on the floor.

Lesson 22

Exercise 1. 1. a wardrobe; 2. a lamp (a standard lamp); 3. curtains; 4. a cooker; 5. a sink; 6. a garden; 7. a mirror.

Exercise 11. 2, 4, 5, 1, 3, 6, 7.

Exercise 14. 1. at; 2. in, in; 3. on; 4. on; 5. at; 6. in, in.

Lesson 23

Exercise 8. “The Place We Live in”: house, bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen, door, window, toilet, hall, flat, downstairs, in the corner, garden. “Furniture”: bookcase, curtains, mirror, cupboard, sink, standard lamp.

Lesson 24

Exercise 11. You should go along Green Street up to the traffic lights, then up Main Road, pass St. John’s Church on the left and the St. Mary’s hospital on the right. Get to High Street and turn to the left. Go along High Street, pass the hotel and stop at the City museum. Lena’s house is opposite it.

Lesson 25

Exercise 3. 1. Kate has watered the flowers. 2. Kate and Boris have washed their hands. 3. Kate and Boris have decorated the New Year tree. 4. Boris has washed the floor. 5. Kate has cleaned the carpet. 6. Boris has washed up (washed the dishes).

Exercise 5. 1. They haven’t washed up (washed the dishes). 2. She hasn’t closed the window. 3. He hasn’t closed the door. 4. They haven’t watered the flowers.

Exercise 14. 1. No, you haven’t watered the trees in your garden. 2. No, your little brother hasn’t washed up. 3. No, your granny hasn’t cleaned the carpet. 4. No, he hasn’t locked his car. 5. No, your friends haven’t shopped in Oxford Street.

Exercise 15. 1. has he? 2. haven’t they? 3. has she? 4. haven’t we? 5. haven’t they? 6. has she? 7. have they?

Exercise 16. 1. finished; 2. helped; 3. washed; 4. locked; 5. cleaned.

Exercise 17. 1. Mother hasn’t cooked supper. 2. We haven’t shopped much. 3. The children have not started to sing. 4. Freddy has not danced much. 5. They haven’t decorated the New Year tree.

Lesson 26

Exercise 5. 1. They have played football. 2. They have played basketball. 3. They have played volleyball. 4. He has played hockey. 5. They have played chess. 6. They have played table tennis.

Exercise 7. 1. Yes, that’s true. You have never met this man. 2. Yes, that’s true. Pete has just been to America. 3. Yes, that’s true. Polly has just bought a new picture. 4. Yes, that’s true. You have not seen your uncle for ages. 5. Yes, that’s true. I have not read this book yet. 6. Yes, that’s true. They have already built a new bridge.

Exercise 8. 1. No, that’s not true. You have not built two bridges over the river yet. 2. No, that’s not true. He has not read the text yet. 3. No, that’s not true. She has not brought much food yet. 4. No, that’s not true. You have not been to South America. 5. No, that’s not true. She has already met her boss. 6. No, that’s not true. You have not seen that film.

Exercise 9. 1. Have you (ever) been to London? (to Piccadilly Circus?) 2. Have you (ever) been to Moscow? (to the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts?) 3. Have you (ever) been to Moscow? (to the Bolshoi Theatre?) 4. Have you (ever) been to London? (to the Houses of Parliament?) 5. Have you (ever) been to London? (to the Tower of London?)

Exercise 12. 1. True. 2. False. 3. False. 4. Don’t know. 5. True. 6. Don’t know. Exercise 14. 1. d; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c; 5. f; 6. e.

Exercise 19. 1. been; 2. read; 3. seen; 4. built; 5. bought; 6. met.

Lesson 27

Exercise 1. The Browns have bought two books, one exercise book, five pens, a pencil, four cups, a flower and a briefcase.

Exercise 5. 1. We have just finished ... 2. They have already been ... 3. He has just bought ... 4. She has never lived ... 5. They have never met ... 6. They have already built ... 7. You have already seen ...

Exercise 18. In September 1666 there was a fire in the old city of London. The fire started in the house of the King’s baker, near London Bridge. The weather was windy that day. (There was a strong wind that day.) There was a lot of houses on London Bridge and many of them were burnt. The fire started on Saturday and burnt for four days. It was over on Thursday. ...

Exercise 19. 1. was afraid of; 2. go; 3. become; 4. woke up; 5. Have they built ...?

Lesson 28

Exercise 2. a) 2. Have you seen the king yet? 3. Have you met the Snowman yet? 4. Have you seen all the new films yet? 5. Have you read the Bible yet? b) 2. You have never seen the king. 3. You have never met the Snowman. 4. You have not seen all the new films yet. 5. You have not read the Bible yet.

Exercise 9. 1. This is the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky. 2. This is the monument to Alexander Pushkin. 3. This is the monument to Yuri Gagarin. 4. This is the monument to Mikhail Lermontov. 5. This is the monument to Peter the Great. 6. This is the monument to Ivan Krylov.

Exercise 15. 1. False. 2. True. 3. False. 4. True. 5. False. 6. False. 7. Don’t know.

Exercise 19. 1. have already been; 2. were; 3. didn’t see; 4. haven’t seen.

Lesson 29

Exercise 1. England — London; India — Delhi; the USA — Washington; Russia — Moscow; Ukraine — Kiev.

Exercise 2. 1. It is in the square (in the middle of the square). 2. It is near the cinema. 3. It is near the bridge. 4. It is not far from the theatre. 5. It is in front of the church. 6. It is in front of the tower.

Exercise 3. 1. d (a); 2. e; 3. a (d); 4. c; 5. b.

Exercise 6. Nick has gone to (see): 2. The National Gallery 3. Trafalgar Square 4. Hyde Park 5. St Paul’s Cathedral 6. Buckingham Palace

Exercise 15. 1. Westminster. 2. From Trafalgar Square down Whitehall to Parliament Square. 3. Downing street, 10. 4. Is a wide street leading to Parliament Square. 5. Big Ben is the name of the clock and the bell in the clock tower of the House of Parliament. 6. West-minsnster Bridge. 7. On the Parliament Square. It is famous for beautiful churches and Poets’ Corner. 8. In Buckingham Palace. 9. Queen Victoria Memorial.

Lesson 30

Exercise 3. The Romans built the town of Londinium near the River Thames. In Roman times Londinium was a small town, there were fifty thousand people in Londinium by the year 400. There was only one bridge in London at the beginning of the 11th century. In the 18th century there were houses and shops on London Bridge. The Fire of London began on the 2nd of September 1666. The fire burnt for four days and destroyed 80% of the city.

Exercise 4. 1. He came to London in 1066. 2. He came from France, from Normandy. 3. He was afraid of the people of London and wanted to have a fortress with a big tower. 4. It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. 5. They are St Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster Abbey.

Exercise 9. square, bridge, theatre, monument, road, church, cinema, tower, traffic lights, town, city


Lesson 31

Exercise 5. People can get to different places by plane, by car, by train, by bus.

Exercise 6. 1. Pete was at the bus stop at half past five yesterday. 2. He was at the railway station at half past six. 3. He was at the seaside at 12 o’clock.

Exercise 13. 1. False. 2. True. 3. True. 4. True. 5. Don’t know.

Exercise 18. 1. a); 2. b); 3. c); 4. b); 5. c).

Lesson 32

Exercise 1. a) Was the food really cheap? Was the fruit really cheap? Was the orange juice really cheap? Were the vegetables really cheap? b) I don’t think the food was cheap. It was expensive. I don’t think the fruit was cheap. It was expensive. I don’t think the orange juice was cheap. It was expensive. I don’t think the vegetables were cheap. They were expensive.

Exercise 2. plane, train, car, bus, taxi

Exercise 3. The rabbit, the giraffe and the lion travelled by plane. The bears, the wolf and the foxes travelled by train. The elephant travelled by car. The mice, the tiger and the hares travelled by bus. The cats and the dog travelled by taxi.

Exercise 6. 1. Bill is at the airport. 2. He is going to travel by plane. 3. He is going to take a lot of luggage with him. 4. He is buying a ticket.

Exercise 11. 1. The boy has fallen off the bike. 2. The girl has prepared breakfast. 3. The boy has found his toy. 4. The boy has understood the teacher. 5. The plane has flown away. 6. The man has stolen the safe.

Exercise 21. 1. find; 2. fast; 3. airport; 4. luggage, stolen; 5. crying, find; 6. a ticket.

Exercise 22. 1. has never flown; 2. take; 3. has not bought, fly; 4. has stolen; 5. crying; 6. have you found ... ; 7. have you understood ... ; 8. has made; 9. has fallen down.

Lesson 33

Exercise 10. 1. The girl has put on her clothes. 2. The boy has run away. 3. The girl has posted the letter. 4. The children have shaken the tree. 5. The girl has not bought any bread. Exercise 15. Сколько стран, столько и обычаев.

Exercise 18. 1. False. 2. False. 3. False. 4. False. 5. False.

Exercise 22. 1. by; 2. at, at; 3. in, over, over; 4. to; 5. for; 6. by, on.

Exercise 23. sadly, sweetly, kindly, quietly, beautifully, easily

Lesson 34

Exercise 5. 1. You have to stop. 2. You have to go straight. 3. You have to go to the right. 4. You have to go to the left. 5. You have to stop. 6. You have to go. 7. You don’t have to go fast. You have to go slower than you did.

Exercise 6. 1. The teacher does. 2. Friends do.

Exercise 21. poor — rich; easy — difficult; weak — strong; ugly — beautiful; dirty — clean; tall — short; cheap — expensive; long — short; old — young; fast — slow; cold — hot

Exercise 22. sadly, weakly, easily, coldly, warmly, kindly, quickly, slowly, quietly

Lesson 35

Exercise 1. Number 2 is a sports car. Number 3 is a taxi. Number 4 is a bus. Number 5 is a horse. Number 6 is a train. Number 7 is a plane.

Exercise 5. 1. Билет до Лондона, пожалуйста, в один конец. 2. Мне надо делать пересадку? 3. Мне надо оплатить багаж? 4. Где билетная касса? (на вокза- ле)/Где билетная касса ? (в театре) 5. Сколько стоит обратный билет до Глазго? 6. С какой платформы (отходит поезд)?

Exercise 6. 1. Можно купить обратный билет ? 2. Садитесь (забирайтесь, залезайте) в машину. 3. Я добрался до Лондона в 5. 4. Я потерялся.

Exercise 11. 1. ... catch (take) a taxi. 2. ... got on. 3. ... take a taxi (a plane). 4. ... took a plane. 5. ... get off. 6. ... catch a taxi. 7. ... got on.

Lesson 36

Exercise 1. by ship, by boat, by plane, by taxi, by bus, by trolleybus, on foot, by car, by train.

Exercise 2. By bus: 1. ticket 2. through bus 3. trip 4. bus stop 5. luggage 6. journey 7. return. By train: 1. return 2. trip 3. railway station 4. through train 5. journey 6. single 7. luggage 8. ticket 9. platform. By sea: 1. ship 2. port 3. boat 4. return 5. single 6. luggage 7. voyage 8. ticket. By plane: 1. journey 2. tourist class 3. flight 4. luggage 5. airport 6. ticket 7. business class

Exercise 4. a) Go (down, straight, ahead) Queen’s Street, cross Silver Street, pass the Museum, cross River Street; go (up) River Street. b) Go (up) Queen’s Street, turn to the left, you are in front ofSt. Mary's Church. c) Go down Queen’s Street, on the left you will see the hospital, cross Queen’s Street and go straight King’s Street, pass the police station, turn to the left, you’re near Station Bridge. d) Walk up Queen’s Street, turn to the left, go straight ahead Church Road, pass the Supermarket, turn to the left, walk down Station Road. e) Go up Queen’s Street, turn to the left, pass St. Mary’s Church, go straight ahead and you’ll see the airport. f) Walk down Queen’s Street, cross Silver Street and you’re at the Museum. g) Walk up Queen’s Street, turn to the left, walk one block straight ahead Church Road, turn to the left, walk down Main Street and you’ll see the school. h) Walk down Queen’s Street, turn to the right to King’s Street, walk one block, turn to the left to Main Street, walk one block and you’re in front of the bookshop. i) Walk straight ahead up Church Road, walk two blocks and you’re at the Supermarket. j) Go down Queen’s Street, turn to the right to King’s Street, walk one block, at the end of the street you’ll see the police station.

Exercise 10. Ship, catch, miss, through, change, voyage, journey, arrive, flight, business class, platform, single, return, ticket, luggage, railway station, fly, airport, travel, tourist class, traffic.

Lesson 37

Exercise 3. Stamps, coins, badges.

Exercise 8. a) 1. Does everybody really know (about) your collection of stamps? 2. Is your collection of badges really famous all over the world? 3. Have you really got silver coins from all the countries? 4. Have you really got two million stamps in your collection? 5. Have you really got a very expensive collection of old pictures? b) 1. I don’t think (I am not sure) everybody knows your collection of stamps. 2. Your collection of badges is not famous all over the world. 3. You haven’t got silver coins from all the countries. 4. You haven’t got two million stamps in your collection. 5. You haven’t got a very expensive collection of old pictures.

Exercise 12. 1. A hobby doesn’t mean collecting stamps. A hobby is something you very much like to do in your free time. 2. Collecting stamps is popular with people of all ages. 3. Collecting stamps can give you many interesting facts about history and famous people. 4. No, at first people collect every kind of stamps. 5. But they do. Collectors often specialize in one theme (subject or object). 6. But they are. A lot of collections are thematic.

Exercise 14. 1. I can see three collections in the picture: a collection of stamps, a collection of coins, a collection of badges. 2. The collections of stamps are thematic. Their themes are “Fish” and “Cars”. The collection ofbadges is thematic too. Its theme is “Cities”.

Exercise 16. 1. I can see 4 square stamps. Their colours are green and yellow, pink and blue. 2. Its theme is “Fish”. 3. There are 3. 4. Yes, it is. Its theme is “Cities”. 5. There are two. 6. They are from Russia, Great Britain and the USA.

Exercise 17. collect — collector — collection; translate — translator — translation; decorate — decorator — decoration; travel — traveller; speak — speaker; teach — teacher

Lesson 38

Exercise 1. The children have collected toy cars, dolls, pictures, stamps, toy soldiers, coins.

Exercise 2. Yes, they are. The themes of the collections are — toy cars, dolls, toy soldiers, flowers (stamps), dogs (pictures).

Exercise 11. 1. It is a quarter past six. 2. It is a quarter past nine. 3. It is a quarter to nine. 4. It is a quarter to three.

Exercise 21. 1) to, at, at, past (to), for, by; 2) —, to, by, on; 3) in, with; 4) with, in, of, in, — .

Exercise 22. 1. It is a quarter past two. 2. It is a quarter to two. 3. It is half past eight. 4. It is ten (minutes) past eleven. 5. It is five to eleven.

Exercise 23. a) to perform — a performance; to play — a play; to act — an actor/ actress; b) to travel — a traveller; to cry — a cry; to shout — a shout

Lesson 39

Exercise 15. The vase is full of apples. The glass is full of juice. The cup is full of coffee. The glass is full of milk. The wardrobe is full of clothes. The classroom is full of people (pupils).

Exercise 21. 1. a lot of; 2. a lot of; 3. many; 4. a lot of; 5. many; 6. many; 7. much. Exercise 22. 1. a little; 2. few; 3. few; 4. a little; 5. little.

Lesson 40

Exercise 1. Feature film, documentary, comedy, musical, detective (film), historical film, cartoon, love story.

Exercise 7. Lena can ski very well though she is only eight. Ann and Polly can swim very well though they are only nine. Andy can draw very well though he is only seven. Boris can sing very well though he is only six. Tom and Liz can dance very well though they are only ten. Oleg and Sasha can skate very well though they are only thirteen.

Exercise 20. 1. says; 2. tells; 3. tell; 4. said; 5. told.

Lesson 41

Exercise 1. Mr Black was born on the fifth of September nineteen twenty-four; Mrs Bloss was born on the twenty-third of March nineteen thirty-three; Kate was born on the sixth of August nineteen fifty-eight; Ann was born on the eighteenth of February nineteen eighty-seven; John was born on the first of February nineteen ninety-nine.

Exercise 2. 1. I am also proud ... 2. Nick also has ... 3. ... was also fond ... 4. ... is also fond ... 5. She also cares ... 6. ... was also a success.

Exercise 4. 1. tells; 2. says; 3. tells; 4. tell; 5. tell.

Exercise 5. 1. No, you haven’t made 20 new models of planes. 2. No, you haven’t created a hundred works of art. 3. No, they didn’t show you twenty times on the screen. 4. No, I couldn’t see you on the screen yesterday. You didn’t take part in a soap opera.

Exercise 9. Yesterday Mary went to the library to take out some books. They went to the library yesterday. They studied there (read books/did their homework).

Exercise 10. 1. The book was boring. 2. The feature film was long and boring. 3. The TV programme was boring. 4. The cartoon was boring. 5. The documentary film was difficult to understand and boring.

Exercise 18. 1. Don’t know. 2. False. 3. True. 4. False. 5. False. 6. True. 7. True.

Exercise 22. kind — unkind, comfortable — uncomfortable, friendly — unfriendly, important — unimportant

Lesson 42

Exercise 2. Making models; growing flowers; collecting stamps/dry leaves/coins/ pictures/badges/dolls/pencils/toy cars/toy soldiers/cups/toys/books; travelling, gardening, going in for sports, taking pictures, reading, music, studying animals, studying birds. Exercise 11. Paul drinks a lot of milk. Danny drinks less milk than Paul. Eats a lot of bread—less bread; eats a lot of cakes—fewer cakes; eats a lot of eggs — fewer eggs; eats a lot of cheese—less cheese.

Exercise 13. What is on? I don’t like cartoons. Oh, no, I’m busy in the evening. Yes, I would. I’m free tomorrow.

Exercise 16. cartoon, cinema, stamp, collection, coin, performance, documentary, thematic, badge, theatre, travelling, growing flowers, feature film, fiction

Lesson 43

Exercise 1. Collecting badges/stamps/coins/dry flowers; going to the theatre/cinema/ museum; travelling, gardening (growing flowers).

Exercise 2. 1A, 2D, 3B, 4C.

Exercise 3. She has too little butter, flour and milk. She has too few apples and eggs.

Exercise 4. whenever, upstairs, blackboard, armchair, seaside, classmate, cupboard, homework, downstairs, wherever

Exercise 13. 1. True. 2. True. 3. True. 4. False. 5. False. 6. False.

Exercise 17. 1. milkman 2. postmen 3. policeman 4. seaman 5. fishermen

Lesson 44

Exercise 1. He discovered America in 1492. He reached it by sea (ship).

Exercise 10. 1. He was born in Italy. 2. It is a continent. 3. It is a small town. 4. It appears very early in the morning. 5. ... 6. No, there are not. 7. Yes, it is.

Exercise 14. 1. Don’t know. 2. False. 3. False. 4. True. 5. False. 6. True. 7. True. 8. True.

Exercise 20. 1. discovered 2. discovery 3. discover

Lesson 45

Exercise 4. 1. I have discovered this land. 2. They have just sailed. 3. I have reached the island at last. 4. — Who has built the houses in this settlement? — I have.

Exercise 5. 1. We have just (already, never) reached ... 2. They have just (already) sailed ... 3. I have just (already, never) seen ... 4. The plane has just (already, never) appeared ... 5. Have you ever seen ...?/Have you seen that beautiful island yet? 6. He has never been ...

Exercise 6. 1. They have known each other for 8 years. They have known each other for 43 years. The girls have known each other for 13 years. 2. The boy has had the toy bear for 5 years. They have had the house for 4 years. The children have had the dog for 3 years. 3. They have been at the seaside for 4 days. 4. She has lived there for 10 years. He had lived there for 5 months.

Exercise 11. 1. It is turkey. ... 2. They call it a harvest. 3. They work hard. Exercise 16. 2. 5. 6.

Exercise 17. 1. Thanksgiving Day is an American holiday. 2. People celebrate it at home. 3. They eat roast turkey, potatoes, and pumpkin to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

Lesson 46

Exercise 1. George has been on the island for 35 years.

Exercise 2. 1. George has lived on the island for 35 years. 2. He hasn’t seen a man for 35 years. 3. It has been under water for 35 years. 4. George has drunk only rainwater since his ship went under water. 5. He has eaten only coconuts for 35 years.

Exercise 3. 1. George has been on the island for 35 years. 2. He has eaten (had) coconuts since his ship went under water. He has drunk rainwater since ... . He has watched the sea since ... .

Exercise 4. It has been fine and hot in Rome since ... . It has been bad and rainy in London since ... . It has been fine in New York since ... . It has been cold and snowy in Moscow since ... . It has been wonderful and sunny in Sochi since ... .

Exercise 5.1. He has had his job since 1970. (He has been a policeman since 1970.) 2. She has had her job for a few years. (She has been a doctor for a few years.) 3. She has had her job since she was 12. (She has been a dancer since she was 12.) 4. She has had her job since 2000. (She has been a teacher since 2000.) 5. He has had his job for 5 years. (He has been a shop assistant for 5 years.) 6. He has had his job for 10 years. (He has been a fisherman for 10 years.)

Exercise 9. 1. speaking; 2. speak; 3. gone; 4. heard; 5. leave; 6. tell; 7. wants; 8. come; 9. shall/will call.

Exercise 22. 1. have you been; 2. had; 3. finished; 4. came; 5. have.

Lesson 47

Exercise 3. 1. nut; 2. turkey; 3. harvest; 4. library; 5. interesting.

Exercise 7. 2. He is going to the bank to take money out of the bank (to put money there). 3. He is going to the airport. He is going to travel by plane (to take his plane). 4. They are going to the park to play tennis there. 5. She is going to the library to take out a book. 6. She is going to the supermarket to buy some food.

Exercise 12. a) 1. Do your parents really depend on you? 2. Do you really fight with your parents for your independence? 3. Have you really got many gold coins in your collection? 4. Is your house really situated in Red Square? 5. Is your flat really empty whenever you come home? 6. Has your little brother really got a gun? b) 1. Your parents don’t depend on you. 2. You don’t fight with your parents for your independence. 3. You haven’t got many gold coins in your collection. 4. Your house is not situated in Red Square. 5. Your flat is not empty whenever you come home. 6. Your little brother hasn’t got a real gun.

Exercise 21. 1. depends; 2. a real fight; 3. gold; 4. fight; 5. independence.

Exercise 22. Useful, beautiful, wonderful, colourful, peaceful

Lesson 48

Exercise 2. 1. Have you ever seen a Native American? When was it? (When did you see him/her?) 2. Have you ever been to San Francisco? When were you there? 3. Have you ever lived in a wooden house? When was it? (When did you live in such a house?) 4. Have you ever hunted wild animals? When did you hunt them? 5. Have you ever eaten nuts? When was it? (When did you eat them?)

Exercise 4. The Kremlin is situated on the bank of the Moskva River. St. Basil’s Cathedral is situated in Red Square. The Tretyakov Gallery is situated in Lavrushenskiy pereulok. The monument to Y. Gagarin is situated near the metro station VDNH. The monument to A. Pushkin is situated in Pushkinskaya Square.

Exercise 10. a) 1. Does a dangerous snake really live under your bed? 2. Can you really work as a tailor? 3. Can you really protect all little children in your school? 4. Have you really fought many dangerous animals? 5. Have you really got five real guns? 6. Have you really hunted bears with a gun? b) 1. A dangerous snake doesn’t live under your bed. 2. You can’t work as a tailor. 3. You can’t protect all little children in your school. 4. You haven’t fought many dangerous animals. 5. You haven’t got five real guns. 6. You haven’t hunted bears with a gun.

Exercise 20. 1. have you? 2. hasn’t he? 3. hasn’t she? 4. have we? 5. didn’t he?

Lesson 49

Exercise 8. state, settlement, Native American, Columbus, pipe of peace, to discover, turkey, Thanksgiving Day, independence, sail, harvest, danger, cowboy

Exercise 10. 1. True. 2. Don’t know. 3. False. 4. False. 5. False. 6. True.

Exercise 11. Regular verbs: discover, sail, appear, prepare, smoke, depend. Irregular verbs: be, fight, sell.

Exercise 12. 1. since; 2. for; 3. since; 4. for; 5. since.

Exercise 13. 1) uncomfortable; 2) uninteresting (boring); 3) upstairs; 4) long; 5) slow; 6) catch a bus; 7) difficult (hard); 8) rich; 9) square; 10) short; 11) unhappy; 12) false; 13) ugly; 14) in front of; 15) dirty; 16) expensive; 17) strong; 18) sell.

Lesson 50

Exercise 1.1. snake; 2. tailor; 3. gun; 4. gold; 5. dangerous; 6. empty; 7. independence.

Exercise 4. 9. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3. 1. 2.

Exercise 11. 1. They read newspapers and magazines. 2. They sell shoes there. 3. They (don’t) often write letters to each other. 4. There are 33 letters in it. 5. There are 50 states there. 6. I (don’t) have my own room (a room of my own).

Exercise 19. 1. blue; 2. stripes; 3. stars; 4. states; 5. colours.

Exercise 20. 1. May I open the window? 2. May I have some money? 3. May I sit down here? 4. May I go out? 5. May I watch TV now?

Lesson 51

Exercise 1. 1. May I take your pen? 2. May I take your magazine? 3. May I take (read) this newspaper? 4. May I read your letter? 5. May I sit down? 6. May I open the window? 7. May I go to the cinema tonight?

Exercise 3. They sell books, newspapers, magazines, nuts, juice, collection of badges, jeans, T-shirts, toys in the shop.

Exercise 6. Past: 1. We could wake up very early. 2. They could become architects. 3. He could become rich. 4. She could go on a trip. Future: 1. We’ll be able to wake up very early. 2. They will be able to become architects. 3. He will be able to become rich. 4. She will be able to go on a trip.

Exercise 16. 1. True. 2. False. 3. False. 4. Don’t know. 5. True. 6. False. 7. True.

Exercise 20. Past: 1. I couldn’t follow your advice. 2. He could ask you some personal questions. 3. She couldn’t relax. 4. Could they move into a new flat? 5. We couldn’t learn the rule. Future: 1. I’ll be able to follow your advice. 2. He’ll be able to ask you some personal questions. 3. She won’t be able to relax. 4. Will they be able to move into a new flat? 5. We shan’t/won’t be able to learn the rule.

Lesson 52

Exercise 8. 1. May I prepare turkey for Xmas? — Yes, dear. That will be a great help. 2. May I take my father’s gun and go hunting? — I’m afraid not. It’s dangerous. 3. May I sell a gold coin from my granny’s collection? — No, you musn’t. It’s your granny’s own coin. 4. May I sail to America with my friends? — No, you mustn’t. The journey will be very dangerous. 5. May I sell all the harvest from our garden? — No, I’m afraid not. Your father has already sold what he wanted to. 6. May I buy a snake? — Yes, you may if it is a toy snake.

Lesson 54

Exercise 1. 1. a bank; 2. an enemy; 3. an honest person; 4. a brave person; 5. a birch tree.

Lesson 55

Exercise 1. North America, Europe and Asia.

Exercise 17. 1. Napoleon didn’t conquer ... . 2. Yes, that’s true. 3. Yes, he was. 4. Yes, it was. 5. No, it wasn’t. Moscow was the main city of Russia. 6. No, he didn’t. He didn’t get the key to Moscow when he came in Smolensk. 7. Yes, it was.

Lesson 56

Exercise 1. The chess pieces are made of wood. The watch is made of gold. The key is made of metal (silver). The wall is made of stone.

Exercise 3. 1. 1941, 2. 1812, 3. 1914, 4. 1939

Lesson 57

Exercise 6. kill, protect, a battle, strong enemy, a war, a victory, an honest general, an army, noble officers

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