
Английский язык 3 класс - Книга для учителя - И. Н. Верещагина - 2016 год


Lesson 2

1. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 5. Listen to the poem “How Old Are They?”.

How Old Are They?

This is Lew.

He is two.

This is Guy.

He is five.

This is Kevin.

He is seven.

This is Kate.

She is eight.

This is Caroline.

She is nine.

This is Pen.

He is ten.

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

2. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 7. Listen to the poem “Numbers”.


One is a number,

Two is a number,

Three is a number,


Number five is before six

and number seven

is more.

Eight is a number,

Nine is a number,

Now we come to ten

And we are back at one again.

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

3. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 8. Listen to the “Number Song”.

Number Song

One, two, one, two,

One, two, three, four, five.

Five, three, five, three,

Five, four, three, two, one.

Six, seven, six, seven,

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Ten, eight, ten, eight,

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six.

b) Read after the announcer,

c) Sing with us,

d) Sing to the music,

4. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 9, Listen to the dialogue “On the Telephone”,

On the Telephone

Andrew: Hello! This is Andrew. Is that Caroline?

Caroline: Hello, Andrew! Yes, it’s me.

Andrew: How are you?

Caroline: Fine, thanks. And how are you?

Andrew: I’m OK.

b) Read after the announcer,

5. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 10, Listen to the song “How Are You?”.

How Are You?

Hello! Hello!

How are you? How are you?

I’m fine, thank you.

I’m OK, thank you.

b) Read after the announcer,

c) Sing with us.

d) Sing to the music,

Lesson 4

6. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 9, Listen to the dialogue.

Al: Hi! Is that you, Roger?

Roger: Yes, it’s me. Hello, Al!

Al: Roger, would you like to go to the swimming pool with me?

Roger: I’d love to, but I can’t!

Al: Why?

Roger: I’m ill.

Al: Oh, what a pity! I hope you’ll be OK soon. Goodbye, Roger!

Roger: Bye, Al!

b) Read the dialogue after the announcer,

Lesson 5

7. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 8. Listen to the poem “Sports”.


Sport is fun for girls and boys.

It’s much better than the toys.

You can sledge and ski and skate

And play snowballs with Kate.

You can swim and play football,

Hockey, tennis, basketball.

You can jump, and you can run,

You can have a lot of fun!

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

Lesson 8

8. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 5. Listen to the poem “Home”.


Home is the nicest place to be

With father and mother

And sister and me.

With Grandpa and Granny

With my doggy and cat.

Oh, here’s no place nicer than that!

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

Lesson 10

9. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 9. Listen to the dialogue.

Mr Scott: Oh, my watch has stopped. What’s the time?

Mr Thomas: It’s ten by my watch.

Mr Scott: But look at the clock over there! It says six sharp!

b) Read the dialogue after the announcer.

Lesson 14

10. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 5. Listen to the poem “My Friend”.

My Friend

I’ve got a friend,

We like to play,

We play together

Every day.

He always helps me

When I’m in need

For he’s my friend,

Good friend indeed.

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

Lesson 15

11. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[æ] (3), apple (3), an apple (3), a nice apple, a big red apple. An apple — apples. — Does your little sister like apples? — Yes, she does. — Do you like apples? — Oh, very much.

[i:] (3), sweet (3), a sweet (3), a sweet — sweets, a box of sweets. Children like sweets. My dad doesn’t like sweets. Put the box of sweets on the table, please. — Give me a sweet, please. — Here you are.

12. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 7. Listen to the dialogue.

A: Pass me the salt, please.

B: Here you are.

A: Thank you.

B: Not at all.

b) Read the dialogue after the announcer.

Lesson 16

13. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[i] (3), tea (3), teatime. I like tea. — Do you like tea? — Yes, I do. — How many times a day does your family have tea? — We have tea four times a day.

[ι] (3), milk (3). Children like milk. My father doesn’t like milk — he likes tea. My granny likes tea with milk. — Who likes tea with milk in your family? — My grandpa does.

[u:] (3), juice (3), apple juice (3). Americans like to have juice for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. — Do you like juice? — Yes, I like juice very much.

[n] (3), coffee (3), black coffee, coffee with milk. My dad likes black coffee but my mum likes coffee with milk. I don’t like coffee, I like tea.

[Λ] (3), cup (3), a nice cup, a teacup, a cup — cups, a cup of tea, a cup of coffee, three cups of tea, two cups of coffee. — How many cups of tea do you have at teatime? — My dad usually has a cup of coffee for breakfast.

[a:] (3), glass (3), a glass — glasses, a glass of milk, a glass of juice. — How many glasses of juice do you have a day? — I usually have a glass of juice for breakfast and a glass of juice for dinner. But for supper I have a glass of milk.

14. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 6. Listen to the dialogue.

Mother: Phil, come and help me, please. I’m very busy.

Phil: Oh, Mum, I can’t do that. I’m busy too.

Mother: And what are you doing, I wonder?

Phil: I’m watching TV.

b) Read the dialogue after the announcer.

Lesson 17

15. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[η] (3), [ηk] (3), drink (3), drink — drank (3), drink milk, drink juice, drink tea, drink coffee. — What is she drinking now, tea or coffee? — She isn’t drinking tea, she isn’t drinking coffee, she is drinking juice. They drink tea and coffee from cups. They drink milk and juice from glasses.

[e] (3), egg (3), an egg — eggs (3). — Do you like to eat eggs for breakfast? — Yes, I do. — How many eggs do you usually have for breakfast? — I usually have only one egg.

[n] (3), (3), porridge (3). I don’t like porridge but my granny does. — Do you like porridge? — Yes, I do. — When do you eat porridge? — Usually we eat porridge for breakfast.

16. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 8. Listen to the dialogue.

Mother: Would you like to have another cup of tea?

Susan: Yes, please.

Fred: No, thanks.

Father: I’d love to.

b) Read the dialogue after the announcer.

Lesson 18

17. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[u:] (3), soup (3). — Do you eat soup every day? — Yes, I do. My mother doesn’t like to eat soup every day.

[i:] (3), meat (3), meat soup, meatballs. We don’t eat meat soup every day. Our family usually has meat for dinner or for supper.

18. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 6. Listen to the poem “What Do I Like?”.

What Do I Like?

I like ice cream.

She likes sweets.

I like cookies.

He likes cheese.

I like coffee.

She likes tea.

I love you.

Do you love me?

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

Lesson 20

19. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[eι] (3), potato (3), one potato — two potatoes, fish and potatoes, meat and potatoes. We like to have meat and potatoes for dinner.

[eι] tasty, a tasty apple, tasty juice, tasty ice cream. I don’t think this apple is tasty. I like juice, sweets and ice cream. I think they are very tasty.

[aι] (3), buy (3), (3), bought (3), buy — bought. — What did you buy yesterday? — I bought fish and meat yesterday. Mother didn’t buy bananas, she bought apples.

20. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 8. Listen to the song “He Likes Chicken” (part I).

He Likes Chicken

I. He likes chicken,

Chicken, chicken

And salad too,

Salad too.

She likes spaghetti,

Spaghetti, spaghetti

And pudding too,

Pudding too.

b) Read after the announcer.

c) Sing with us.

d) Sing to the music.

Lesson 21

21. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[u:] (3), soup, school, too, two, fruit, tasty fruit, fruit juice, fruit salad, fruit soup. Oranges, apples and bananas are all fruits. — Would you like some more fruit? — Yes, please.

[е] (3), get, ten, help, seven, vegetable a vegetable — vegetables, vegetable food, meat and vegetables, vegetable soup, vegetable salad. My granny likes vegetable food. The potato is a vegetable, not a fruit. — Do you like to eat meat and vegetables for dinner? — Yes, I do.

[æ] (3), can, black, apple, carrot, a carrot — carrots, a red carrot, a big carrot. My cat doesn’t eat carrots but my dog does. Is the carrot a vegetable or a fruit?

22. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 7. Listen to the dialogues.


Ted: Mum, I’m hungry.

Mother: Would you like a toast, meatballs and spaghetti?

Ted: I’d love to!


Pam: Mum, I’m thirsty.

Mother: What about a glass of juice?

Pam: I’d love to.

b) Read the dialogues after the announcer.

Lesson 22

23. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[eι] (3), today (3). I’m busy today. — Is Nina at school today? — No, she isn’t.

[w] (3), [o] (3), was (3), wasn’t (3), was at school, wasn’t at home. I wasn’t at school yesterday. — I was at home. — Was your granny a doctor? — No, she wasn’t. — What was she? — She was a teacher.

[з:] (3), were (3), weren’t (3), were in Africa, weren’t in Great Britain. — Were your parents in Africa? — No, they weren’t. — Where were they? — They were in America.

[a:] (3), last (3), [i: ] week (3), last week (3). — Were you at the stadium last week? — No, we weren’t. — Where were you? — We were in the swimming pool last week.

[Λ] (3), month (3), last month (3). My father was very busy last month. — Was your mother busy last month? — Yes, she was busy too.

[j] (3), year (3), last year (3). Our English teacher was in Great Britain last year. — Were you in Great Britain last year? — No, I wasn’t. I was in America last year.

24. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 7. Listen to the song “He Likes Chicken” (part II).

He Likes Chicken

II. They like hamburger, Hamburger, hamburger

And pizza too,

Pizza too.

I like chocolate,

Chocolate, chocolate

And orange too,

Orange too.

And we all like jam,

Jam, jam

And water too,

Water too.

b) Read after the announcer,

c) Sing with us,

d) Sing to the music,

25. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 8, Listen to the poem “Who Likes What?”.

Who Likes What?

Some of us like brown bread,

Some of us like white,

Some of us eat a lot of meat,

Some don’t think it’s right.

Some of us like apples,

Some drink juice at night,

Some of us eat many sweets,

Some don’t think it’s right.

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it,

Lesson 24

26. Learn to pronounce and use the new words, Listen and repeat,

[u:] (3), food (3), good food, bad food, tasty food, food and drink, to buy food, to eat food, to have food. The food is good there. Who usually buys food and drink in your family?

[aυ] (3), out (3), without (3), without food, without water. We can’t live without food and water. Mum usually eats soup without bread. Do you like to eat potatoes without salt?

[æ] (3), animal (3), an animal — animals, big animals, small animals. Do you know what animals live in Africa? What animals did you see at the Zoo? I think that monkeys are funny animals.

[eι] (3), make (3), make — made, make toys. I made a nice toy for my sister; make tea, make coffee, make breakfast. — What can people make from milk? — They can make ice cream, cream and cheese.

Lesson 25

27. Learn to pronounce and use the new words, Listen and repeat,

[əυ] (3), grow (3), grow — grew. Where can trees grow? — What grows on trees? — A lot of fruit grows on trees. What do you want to be when you grow up?

[Λ] (3), country (3), a country — countries, my country, this country. — What country do you live in? — I live in Russia.

[ι] (3), different (3), different people, different countries, different food, different trees. Different fruit grows on trees: apples, oranges, bananas. Different people live in different countries.

[Λ] (3), much (3), much water, much milk, much juice. — Do you drink much juice? — Yes, I love it. Mum doesn’t eat much bread. Don’t eat too much meat!

28. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 6. Listen to the dialogues.


Nancy: You look terrible! What’s the matter?

Kitty: I drank too much juice this morning.

Nancy: How much juice did you drink?

Kitty: I drank so much juice that I’m never going to drink juice again.


Liz: You look terrible! What’s the matter?

Polly: I ate too many cookies last night.

Liz: How many cookies did you eat?

Polly: I ate so many cookies that I’m never going to eat a cookie again.

b) Read the dialogues after the announcer.

29. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 7. Listen to the poem “Robin”.


Robin, Robin, what a man!

He eats as much as no one can.

He ate a lot of fish, he ate a lot of meat.

He ate a lot of ice cream and a sweet.

He ate a lot of porridge and ten eggs

And all the cookies Mother had.

He drank a lot of juice, he ate a cake,

Then said: “I have a stomachache.” b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

Lesson 27

30. Listen to the tale “I’m Never Going to Do It Again” and answer the questions. Then listen to the correct answers and repeat them.

I’m Never Going to Do It Again

Do you know me, friends? I am a mouse. My name is Mitsy. My parents, my brother and I live under a tree. I love my family! And I think they love me too.

Last week I was three. In the morning Mum and Dad gave me a box and said: “That’s for you, dear Mitsy! You are three today!” I opened the box. And what did I see there? I saw a lot of tasty things there: apples, bananas, oranges, cheese. And my brother gave me three big carrots.

In the evening my friends came. They knew that I was three that day. They gave me very many sweets.

We had a very good time — we ran about the house, played games and, of course, we ate all the food! The sweets, that my friends brought me, were so tasty, that I ate them all!

My friends went home at nine o’clock in the evening. I went to bed at 10 o’clock.

When mother saw me in the morning, she said:

“Mitsy, dear, you look terrible! What’s the matter with you?”

“Oh, Mum, I have a terrible stomachache! I ate a lot of sweets yesterday! I’m never going to do it again!”


1. Who is the tale about? (pause)

It’s about a mouse. (pause)

2. What was her name? (pause)

Her name was Mitsy. (pause)

3. Where did she live? (pause)

She lived under a tree. (pause)

4. How old was Mitsy last week? (pause)

She was three last week. (pause)

5. Did Mitsy love her family? (pause)

Yes, she did. (pause)

6. What did Mitsy’s mother and father give her? (pause)

They gave her apples, bananas, oranges and cheese. (pause)

7. How many carrots did her brother give her? (pause)

He gave her three carrots. (pause)

8. Were the carrots big or little? (pause)

They were big. (pause)

9. Who came to Mitsy in the evening? (pause)

Her friends did. (pause)

10. Why did Mitsy’s friends come to her? (pause)

She had a birthday. (pause)

11. What did Mitsy’s friends bring her? (pause)

They brought her a lot of sweets. (pause)

12. How did Mitsy look in the morning? (pause)

She looked terrible in the morning. (pause)

13. Why did Mitsy look terrible in the morning? (pause)

She looked terrible because she had a stomachache. (pause)

Lesson 29

31. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[n] (3), holiday (3), a holiday — holidays, a happy holiday. It was a holiday yesterday. People in different countries have got different holidays. What holidays have you got in your country?

[e] (3), send (3), send — sent, send a present, send a book, send a telegram. Yesterday I sent a present to my American friend — it was a book. Do you like to send presents or to get them?

[а:] (3), party (3), a party — parties, a birthday party. My friend had a birthday party yesterday. My parents came home at eleven o’clock yesterday — they were at their friends’ party.

32. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 8. Listen to the dialogue “English on the Phone”.

English on the Phone

Susan: 6548201.

John: Hello. Could I speak to Susan, please?

Susan: This is Susan. Hello.

John: It’s John here. I’m having a birthday party on Saturday. Can you come?

Susan: I’d love to.

John: Great! See you there. At about 7 o’clock. b) Read the dialogue after the announcer.

Lesson 30

33. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[ju:] (3), new (3), a new toy, a new book, a new friend, a new pupil, a new teacher, a new game. — Have you got new toys? — Yes, I’ve got a new big nice doll. — Are there new books on the table? — Yes, there are. There is a new pupil in our class. My little sister doesn’t like her new doll, she likes her old one.

[n] (3), shop (3), a big shop, a new shop. — Are there new shops in the street where you live? — Yes, there are three big new shops in my street. Shop — shopping, go shopping (3). — Who likes to go shopping in your family? — My mother does. — Do you go shopping? — Yes, I do. My father doesn’t like to go shopping, but my grandfather does.

[e] (3), celebrate (3), to celebrate a holiday, to celebrate a birthday, to celebrate a New Year. People in Russia celebrate the New Year. Not all English people celebrate the New Year. — Do people in America celebrate the New Year? — I think they do.

34. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 6. Listen to the song “Happy Birthday”.

Happy Birthday

I. Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday, happy birthday,

Happy birthday to you!

II. How old are you now?

How old are you now?

Happy birthday, happy birthday,

How old are you now?

III. Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday, dear Helen!

Happy birthday to you!

b) Read after the announcer,

c) Sing with us,

d) Sing to the music,

Lesson 31

35. Learn to pronounce and use the new words, Listen and repeat,

[ι] (3), visit (3), to visit — visited, to visit friends, to visit relatives. — Do you always visit your friends when they are ill? — Of course. My father visited Great Britain last year. I didn’t visit my aunt yesterday — I was busy.

[Λ] (3), some (3), sometimes (3). Sometimes my parents visit their old friends. — Does your father often watch TV? — No, only sometimes.

[aι] (3), invite (3), invite friends, invite girls and boys. Please, invite Bob to your birthday party! I don’t want to invite him to my birthday party.

36. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 7, Listen to the song “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”,

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas,

We wish you a merry Christmas,

We wish you a merry Christmas,

And a happy New Year.

b) Read after the announcer,

c) Sing with us,

d) Sing to the music,

Lesson 32

37. Learn to pronounce and use the new words, Listen and repeat,

[e] (3), a letter — letters, to get a letter, to send a letter. — Do you often send letters to your granny? — Yes, I do. Last week I got a letter from my American friend.

[aι] (3), write (3), write — wrote (3). My sister doesn’t like to write letters but I do. Do you like to write letters?

[əυ] (3), only (3), only boys, only girls, only sometimes. I think that only boys can play football well. — Do you often go shopping? — No, only sometimes.

Lesson 34

38. Listen to the text “Christmas” and answer the questions. Then listen to the correct answers and repeat them.


It’s 8 o’clock in the evening on Christmas Eve. People are happy, but they are busy too. There’s a lot of work to do.

The Phillips are at home. What are they all doing?

Emma is going to bed now. She’s hanging up her stocking for Father Christmas. She’s thinking of the presents under the tree. She wants to open all the presents now. But she can’t. She can open them only in the morning.

And what is Mark doing? He’s taking a shower. He’s going to a party. And what about Jane? What is she doing? She’s writing the last Christmas cards on the table in the hall.

Mr Phillips is putting all the presents under the Christmas tree. He’s thinking about his busy day. Parents always have a lot of work at Christmas.

And where is Mrs Phillips? In the kitchen of course! The Christmas pudding and the turkey are on the table. And now she’s making the Christmas cake and decorating it.

So you can see that all the people in the family are busy on Christmas Eve. And for Father Christmas it’s a busy day too. He wants to visit many families and give children Christmas presents.


1. Why are people busy on Christmas Eve? (pause)

They have a lot of work to do. (pause)

2. What is Emma thinking of? (pause)

She’s thinking of the presents under the tree. (pause)

3. Why can’t she open the presents? (pause)

Because she can open them only in the morning. (pause)

4. What is Mark doing? (pause)

He’s taking a shower. (pause)

5. Who’s writing the last Christmas cards? (pause)

Jane is. (pause)

6. What is Mr Phillips doing? (pause)

He is putting all the presents under the Christmas tree. (pause)

7. Where is Mrs Phillips? (pause)

She’s in the kitchen. (pause)

8. Why does Father Christmas have a busy day too? (pause)

Because he wants to visit many families. (pause)

39. Listen, say after the announcer and make sure if you know the meaning of the words and phrases.


buy (bought)







go shopping


make (made)





drink (drank)















grow (grew)










send (sent)

write (wrote)





Pass me the salt, please.

I’m very busy.

And what are you doing, I wonder?

I’m never going to drink it.

Would you like another cup of tea?

Too many.

I’m hungry.

A Merry Christmas.

I’m thirsty.

A Happy New Year.

You look terrible! What’s the matter?

Lesson 37

40. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[e] (3), pet (3), a pet — pets, my pet, our pets. — Have you got a pet? — Yes, I have. — What pet have you got? — I’ve got a kitten. Many English families have got pets at home.

[e] (3), clever (3), a clever dog, a clever pet — clever pets, a clever child, a clever boy, a clever girl. — Is your pet clever? — Oh, very! I think that my friend is clever. How clever that man is! I don’t think it’s a clever answer.

[υ] (3), look (3), look after (3), to look after children, to look after old people. It’s very good of you to look after old people. — Who looks after the children in your family? — My granny does. — Do you look after your pet? — Certainly I do!

Lesson 38

41. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[eι] (3), tail (3), a tail — tails, a grey tail, a white tail, the puppy’s tail, the cat’s tail. — What colour is the cat’s tail? — Its tail is white and black. This monkey hasn’t got a tail.

(3), short (3), a short dress, a short tail — short tails. — What animals have got short tails? — I think hares have got short tails. — Is the dog’s tail short or long? — This puppy’s tail is short, and that puppy’s tail is long.

[e] (3), neck (3), a neck — necks, a long neck, a short neck. The giraffe has got a long neck. Do you always wash your neck in the morning? — Has your dog got a long neck or a short neck? — My dog has got a short neck.

Lesson 39

42. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

['aιə] (3), lion, a lion — lions. The lion is a big animal. Do you like to watch lions in the Zoo? Mum gave me a toy lion as a present.

[υ] (3), wolf (3), a wolf — wolves. — What colour is the wolf? — The wolf is grey. Wolves eat small animals.

Lesson 40

43. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[e] (3), head (3), a head — heads, my head, his head, her head. — What animals have got big heads? — I think the elephant has got a big head. I don’t think the giraffe has got a big head — it has got a little head.

[еə] (3), hair (3), long hair, short hair, black hair, grey hair. — What colour is your mother’s hair? — It’s black. — What colour hair do you like? — I like black hair. — Is your sister’s hair long or short? — It’s short.

[aι] (3), an eye — eyes, blue eyes, brown eyes, grey eyes, green eyes, big eyes, little eyes. My doll has got big blue eyes and long yellow hair. Oh, what clever eyes has this dog got!

[əυ] (3), nose (3), a nose — noses, a long nose, a short nose. Pinocchio’s nose is very long! The elephant has got a long nose, which is called a trunk.

44. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 7. Listen to the song “Alouette”.


I. Alouette, little Alouette,

Alouette, play the game with me.

Put your finger on your head,

Put your finger on your head,

On your head, on your head,

Don’t forget, Alouette, oh!

II. Alouette, little Alouette,

Alouette, play the game with me.

Put your finger on your eye,

Put your finger on your eye,

On your eye, (2)

On your head, (2)

Don’t forget, Alouette, oh!

III. Alouette, little Alouette,

Alouette, play the game with me

Put your finger on your nose,

Put your finger on your nose,

On your nose, (2)

On your eye, (2)

On your head, (2)

Don’t forget, Alouette, oh!

IV. Alouette, little Alouette,

Alouette, play the game with me.

Put your finger on your mouth,

Put your finger on your mouth,

On your mouth, (2)

On your nose, (2)

On your eye, (2)

On your head, (2)

Don’t forget, Alouette, oh!

V. Alouette, little Alouette,

Alouette, play the game with me.

Put your finger on your chin,

Put your finger on your chin,

On your chin, (2)

On your mouth, (2)

On your nose, (2)

On your eye, (2)

On your head, (2)

Don’t forget, Alouette, oh!

b) Read after the announcer,

c) Sing with us,

d) Sing to the music,

Lesson 41

45. Learn to pronounce and use the new words, Listen and repeat,

[e] (3), left (3), my left eye, my left ear, my left hand. This is my left hand. I don’t write with my left hand.

[e] leg (3), a leg — legs, two legs, four legs, his legs, my legs. What animals have got two legs? How many legs has the monkey got?

[aι] (3), right (3), my right eye, his right ear, her right hand. People usually write with their right hands. This is my left hand, and this is my right hand. Granny says that I must eat with my right hand.

46. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 7. Listen to the poem “I Love My Dog”,

I Love My Dog

I’ve got a dog,

His name is Jack.

His head is white,

His nose is black.

I take him out

Every day.

Such fun we have!

We run and play.

Such clever tricks

My dog can do.

I love my dog!

He loves me too!

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

47. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 8, Listen to the song “I Found a Cow”,

I Found a Cow

I found a cow!


I found a bear!


I found a hen!


I found a bear.

I found a hen.

I found a cow.


b) Read after the announcer,

c) Sing with us,

d) Sing to the music.

Lesson 42

48. Listen to the tale “The Old Dog” and answer the questions, Then listen to the correct answers and repeat them,

The Old Dog

The farmer had a dog. When the dog was old, the farmer thought: “The dog is very old. I don’t want to give him food — he can’t work well.”

So he drove the dog out. Poor old dog! He walked, and walked, and walked. He was very hungry. In the evening he saw a wolf. The wolf said: “What’s the matter with you? You look terrible!”

“I haven’t got a home now. The farmer doesn’t want me — I’m old now, I can’t work much now and he doesn’t want to feed me, I’m very hungry.” “I know how to help you,” said the wolf.

In the morning the farmer went to work in the field. He took his little son with him. He put his little boy down and started working.

The wolf ran up to the boy, took him and ran away with him.

When the farmer saw it, he ran after the wolf. But he couldn’t get his son back.

Then the old dog ran after the wolf. The dog took the baby away from the wolf and brought the little boy to his father.

The farmer was very happy! He thanked the dog and said: “Excuse me, please! You are a very good friend. Come back and live with us.”

The old dog was very happy!


1. Why did the farmer drive the dog away? (pause)

The dog was old and couldn’t work well. (pause)

2. Whom did the dog see in the evening? (pause)

He saw a wolf. (pause)

3. What did the wolf say to the dog? (pause)

The wolf said: “I know how to help you.” (pause)

4. How did the wolf help the dog? (pause)

The wolf took the farmer’s son and gave him to the dog. (pause)

5. What did the dog do? (pause)

The dog brought the little boy back to the farmer. (pause)

6. Why did the farmer ask the dog to come back and live in his house? (pause)

He knew that the old dog was a very good friend. (pause)

7. What proverb gives the main idea of the tale? (pause)

A friend in need is a friend indeed. (pause)

Lesson 45

49. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[n] (3), body (3), a body — bodies, a long body, a short body. — What animal has got a long body? — I think a crocodile has got a long body.

[a:] (3), arm (3), an arm — arms, his arms, her arms, their arms, long arms, short arms. I’ve got two arms — this is my left arm, and this is my right arm.

[ι] (3), finger (3), a finger — fingers, long fingers, short fingers. I’ve got ten fingers — five on my right hand, and five on my left hand. Don’t put your fingers into your mouth!

[υ] (3), foot (3), a foot. — Where is your right foot? — This is my right foot. — Where is your left foot? — This is my left foot.

[i:] (3), feet (3), two feet, one foot — two feet. I’ve got two feet — this is my right foot, and this is my left foot.

[əυ] (3), toe (3), a toe — toes. — How many toes have you got? — I’ve got ten toes — five on my left foot and five on my right foot. We’ve got fingers on our hands and toes on our feet.

[əυ] shoulder (3), a shoulder — shoulders. This is my right shoulder, and this is my left shoulder. Oh, look at that man’s shoulders! Father put his child on his shoulder.

50. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 6. Listen to the poem “I Must”.

I Must

I mustn’t say, “I can’t.”

I mustn’t say, “I won’t.”

I mustn’t say, “I’m not.”

I mustn’t say, “I don’t.”

I must say, “I will.”

I must say, “I am.”

I must say, “I do.”

I must say, “I can.”

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

Lesson 46

51. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[aι] (3), wild (3), a wild animal — wild animals. What wild animals do you know? Where do wild animals live? — Are monkeys wild animals? — Yes, they are wild animals.

[e] (3), domestic (3), a domestic animal. — What domestic animals do you know? — I know that the cow and the horse are domestic animals. — Where do domestic animals live? — Domestic animals live on farms.

[i:] (3), sheep (3), a sheep — sheep, one sheep, ten sheep, many sheep. — What colour is that sheep? — It’s white. — What colour are those sheep? — They are black. Cows, horses, pigs and sheep are domestic animals.

52. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 5. Listen to the poem “What Do We Do with... ?”.

What Do We Do with ...?

We smell with our nose,

We see with our eyes,

We eat with our mouth

Tasty puddings and pies.

With leg and foot we walk,

With lip and tongue we talk,

And with our ears We can hear.

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

53. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 6. Listen to the song “Head and Shoulders”.

Head and Shoulders

Head and shoulders,

Knees and toes,

Knees and toes.

Head and shoulders,

Knees and toes,

Knees and toes.

And eyes and ears,

And mouth and nose.

Head and shoulders,

Knees and toes,

Knees and toes.

Arms and legs,

And feet and hands,

Feet and hands.

Arms and legs,

And feet and hands.

Feet and hands.

And eyes and ears,

And mouth and nose.

Head and shoulders,

Knees and toes,

Knees and toes.

b) Read after the announcer.

c) Sing with us.

d) Sing to the music.

Lesson 47

54. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[eι] (3), favourite (3), my favourite book, his favourite film. What’s your favourite English book? — What is your favourite sport? — Tennis is my favourite sport. The dog is the favourite pet with the English.

[æ] (3), hamster (3), a hamster — hamsters. — Is a hamster a big or a little animal? — A hamster is a little animal. — Can a hamster be a pet? — Yes, many boys and girls keep hamsters as pets at home.

(3), tortoise (3), a tortoise — tortoises, a big tortoise, a little tortoise. — Who keeps a tortoise as a pet at home? — I do. — What does your tortoise eat? — My tortoise eats grass, leaves, fruit and vegetables.

[æ] (3), parrot (3), a parrot — parrots, a nice parrot, a clever parrot, a blue and green parrot. A lot of families keep parrots as pets at home. — Have you got a parrot? — Yes. — Do you teach your parrot to talk? — Yes, I do. — What can your parrot say? — My parrot can say “Hello”.

[ju:] (3), beautiful (3), a beautiful woman, a beautiful child, a beautiful girl. My aunt has got beautiful blue eyes. I think my cat is beautiful.

55. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 6. Listen to the song “Fingers”.


How many fingers have I got?

Five on my right hand.

Five on my left hand.

How many fingers have I got?

b) Read after the announcer.

c) Sing with us.

d) Sing to the music.

56. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 7. Listen to the poem “What Can’t You Do without... ?”.

What Can’t You Do without... ?

Without your tongue

You cannot talk.

Without your feet

You cannot walk.

Without your eyes

You cannot see.

Without your heart

You cannot be.

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

c) Listen to the poem “Only One Heart”.

Only One Heart

I’ve got two legs

With which I walk.

I’ve got a tongue

With which I talk.

I’ve got two eyes

With which I see.

I’ve got one heart

To live and be.

d) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

Lesson 49

57. Listen to the story “Milk from Cows, Not Bottles” and answer the questions. Then listen to the correct answers and repeat them.

Milk from Cows, Not Bottles

Mr Day lives in London. Every morning he gets up at five o’clock — he has got a farm in the centre of London. He has got much work to do on his farm. Schoolchildren visit the farm from all over London. There are many different animals on the farm: cows, horses, pigs, sheep, ducks, chickens. Many London children see farm animals only on TV or in a book. They don’t know about cows. “Milk comes from bottles,” they think.

After their visit to the farm they know — milk comes from cows, not bottles.


1. Where does Mr Day live? (pause)

He lives in London. (pause)

2. Has he got a farm? (pause)

Yes, he has. (pause)

3. What time does he get up? (pause)

He gets up at five o’clock every morning. (pause)

4. What domestic animals are there on the farm? (pause)

There are different domestic animals on the farm: cows, horses, pigs, sheep, ducks, chickens. (pause)

5. Why do some London children think that milk comes from bottles, not cows? (pause)

Because they see farm animals only on TV or in a book. (pause)

6. Schoolchildren visit the farm, don’t they? (pause)

Yes, they do. (pause)

7. What do they learn after their visit to the farm? (pause)

They learn that milk comes from cows, not bottles. (pause)

Lesson 52

58. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[æ] (3), hat (3), a hat — hats, a beautiful hat, an old hat, a new hat, mother’s hat. Mum wants to buy a new hat.

[æ] cap (3), a cap — caps, a brown cap, a new cap, a sport cap, my brother’s cap. — Whose cap is that? — I think it’s Nick’s.

[еə] (3), wear, wear — wore. — What did you wear yesterday — a cap or a hat? — I wore a cap yesterday. — Do you like to wear your hair long or short? — I usually wear my hair short, but my sister likes to wear her hair long. Yesterday mother wore a beautiful long evening dress.

[ι] (3), interesting (3), an interesting book, an interesting film, an interesting game. I think that the game leapfrog is more interesting than tag. — And what do you think is the most interesting game? — I think hopscotch is the most interesting game. I think it’s interesting to read about animals and birds.

59. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 5. Listen to the dialogue.

Ted: Mum, where’s my toy bear?

Mother: Oh, Ted? You must know where your toys are. You must always keep the right thing in the right place.

b) Read the dialogue after the announcer.

Lesson 53

60. Learn to pronounce and use the new words, Listen and repeat,

[æ] (3), bad (3), bad — worse — the worst (3), a bad boy — bad boys, a bad egg, bad fish. The fish was so bad, that we couldn’t eat it. I think Nick plays hockey worse than Mike. I think this book is worse than that one. This old hat is certainly the worst to wear. From bad to worse. Things go from bad to worse.

[υ] (3), good (3), good — better — the best (3). A good family, a good pupil, a good teacher. — Is Peter a good pupil? — Yes, he is, but Mike is a better pupil, and Bob is the best. — What is good for children? — Milk is very good for children. It’s very good of you to help your parents.

[u:] (3), shoe (3), a shoe — shoes, a right shoe, a left shoe, new shoes, brown shoes. Yesterday Mother bought me new shoes. I think my new shoes are very nice. That’s another pair of shoes.

[u] boot (3), a boot — boots, grey boots, old boots, new boots.— Do you wear boots or shoes when you go for a walk?— When I go for a walk I put on my boots.

61. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 6, Listen to the song “What Do You Wear?" (parts I, II),

What Do You Wear?

I. What do you wear on your head?

A hat.

What do you wear on your head?

A cap.

A hat and a cap. 2 times

A cap and a hat. 2 times

II. What do you wear on your feet?


What do you wear on your feet?


Boots and shoes. 2 times

Shoes and boots. 2 times

b) Read after the announcer,

c) Sing with us,

d) Sing to the music.

62. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 8, Listen to the dialogue,

At the Shop

Mrs Grey: I’d like a pair of shoes, please.

Shop assistant: What colour would you like?

Mrs Grey: Brown.

Shop assistant: And what size do you want?

Mrs Grey: Five. Can I try them on?

Shop assistant: Of course.

b) Read the dialogue after the announcer.

Lesson 54

63. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[i:] (3), jeans (3), a pair of jeans, blue jeans, black jeans, new jeans, old jeans. Boys and girls like to wear jeans. Mum wants to buy me new jeans. — What colour jeans would you like — blue or black? — I’d like to have black jeans.

[е] (3), sweater (3), a sweater — sweaters, a nice sweater, a black and grey sweater. My sister thinks that a sweater goes well with jeans. Oh, what a nice sweater it is! Just what I wanted!

[aυ] (3), trousers (3), a pair of trousers, brown trousers, grey trousers. Yesterday Dad bought me a new pair of trousers — they are grey. I don’t like to wear trousers — I like to wear jeans.

[æ] (3), jacket (3), a jacket — jackets, an old jacket, a new jacket. My old jacket is grey. My new jacket is blue. I like my new jacket. My new blue jacket goes well with my new grey trousers.

64. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 4. Listen to the song “What Do You Wear?" (part III).

What Do You Wear?

III. What do you wear on your hands?


What do you wear on your hands?


Gloves and mittens. 2 times

Mittens and gloves. 2 times

b) Read after the announcer.

c) Sing with us.

d) Sing to the music.

65. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 5. Listen to the poem “Shoes and Boots".

Shoes and Boots

Shoes and boots,

Boots and shoes,

Come and buy

The size you use.

Try them on

Before you choose,

Shoes and boots,

Boots and shoes.

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

Lesson 55

66. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

(3), shorts (3), a pair of shorts, new shorts, old shorts, blue shorts. — What colour shorts do you like? — I like brown shorts, and you? — I like white shorts — they are so nice!

warm (3), warm water, warm milk. When I’m ill, mother usually gives me warm milk to drink. It’s warm. It’s warm today. — Was it warm yesterday? — No, it wasn’t warm yesterday.— Do you wear jeans when it’s warm? — No, when it’s warm, I wear shorts. — Is it warm in your house? — Yes, it’s usually warm in our house.

[aυ] (3), blouse (3), a blouse — blouses, a white blouse, a beautiful blouse. You look great in your new blouse! I think that Mum’s new blouse is beautiful. We gave my aunt a nice blouse as a birthday present.

[з:] (3), skirt (3), a skirt — skirts, a short skirt, a long skirt, a skirt and a blouse, a black skirt and a white blouse. My mother likes to wear blouses and skirts. — Does your mother like to wear blouses and skirts? — She certainly does! — I think that this girl’s skirt is too short. — Well, she likes to wear short skirts.

[əυ] (3), cold (3), cold water, cold milk, cold ice cream, cold meat, a cold day, cold hands. Dad likes to eat cold meat and vegetables for supper. — Is it cold today? — Yes, it’s very cold today. — Was it cold yesterday? — No, it wasn’t cold yesterday. — Do you wear shorts when it’s cold? — No, I don’t. — What do you wear when it’s cold? — When it’s cold I wear a sweater and jeans.

[з:] (3), shirt (3), a shirt — shirts, a grey shirt, a white shirt. Yesterday Mother bought me a new shirt. I like to wear shirts, and my mother likes to wear blouses. It was warm yesterday and I put on my white shirt.

67. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 5. Listen to the song “What Do You Wear?’’ (parts IV, V).

What Do You Wear?

IV. What do you wear when it’s cold?

A sweater.

What do you wear when it’s cold?

A jacket.

A sweater and a jacket. 2 times

A jacket and a sweater. 2 times

V. What do you wear when it’s warm?


What do you wear when it’s warm?

A shirt.

Shorts and a shirt. 2 times

A shirt and shorts. 2 times

b) Read after the announcer.

c) Sing with us.

d) Sing to the music.

68. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 6. Listen to the poem “Grasshopper".


Little Grasshopper lives in the fields.

He is a nice funny fellow.

His coat is green, his hat is blue,

His trousers are brown and yellow.

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

Lesson 56

69. a) Listen to the story and say, what proverb could be a title for it. Jane was a little girl. She had two friends, Ben and Betty. Ben was a big dog. Betty was a big doll. Mother gave Jane that doll as a birthday present.

One day Jane was playing with her friends at the river. Jane and Betty fell into the water. Ben quickly jumped into the river. He helped Jane to get out of the water.

“Oh, where is my doll?” said Jane. She didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know how to get the doll out of the water.

Then Ben jumped into the water again and brought Betty to Jane.

Jane was so happy! She certainly thanked her friend Ben.

b) Now listen to the story again and tell it to your classmates.

Lesson 59

70. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[υ] (3), put on (3), put on a blouse, put on a coat, put on j eans. — What do you usually put on when you go to school? — I usually put on trousers, a shirt and a coat. — What did you put on yesterday when you went to Helen’s birthday party? — Yesterday I put on a new white blouse, a blue skirt and white shoes.

[eι] (3), take off (3), take off — took off. Don’t forget to take off your cap when you come to school. When Kate came home she took off her new skirt and her new blouse and put on her old jeans and a sweater.

[n] (3), tomorrow (3). Tomorrow I’ll get up at eight o’clock. My father and I shall go to the zoo tomorrow. My aunt will come to see us tomorrow. They’ll go to the swimming pool tomorrow.

[e] (3), next (3), next week, next month, next year, next evening, next morning. My uncle will come back home from America next week. I’ll go to Great Britain next year. Dad says that next month we’ll buy a new TV set.

shall (3), shall play, I shall play. I’ll play. We shall play. We’ll play. I shall play chess with my father. I’ll play chess with my father. We shall play chess in the evening. We’ll play chess in the evening.

will (3), will watch TV. He will watch TV in the evening. He’ll watch TV in the evening. They will watch TV too. They’ll watch TV too.

71. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 7. Listen to the song “The Kittens’ Clothes”.

The Kittens’ Clothes

Jeans and trousers,

Sweaters and shirts,

Socks and tights,

And jackets and skirts,

T-shirts, shoes,

High boots and mittens,

These are clothes

Of the kittens.

b) Read after the announcer,

c) Sing with us,

d) Sing to the music,

72. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 8, Listen to the poem “What Are You Going to Do?”,

What Are You Going to Do?

What are you going to do

When you are twenty-two?

I’ll write a story,

I’ll make a plane,

I’ll teach children,

I’ll make rain.

What are you going to be

When you are twenty-three?

I’ll be a pilot,

I’ll be a doctor,

I’ll be a teacher,

I’ll be a worker.

Where are you going to be

When you are twenty-three?

I’ll be in London,

I’ll be in Rome,

I’ll be in Africa,

I’ll be at home.

What are you going to do

When you are one hundred and two?

I don’t know.

Do you?

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it,

Lesson 60

73. Learn to pronounce and use the new words, Listen and repeat,

[əυ] (3), coat (3), a coat — coats, a new coat, an old coat, a brown coat. I think a blue coat goes well with white trousers.

[əυ] over (3), overcoat (3), an overcoat — overcoats.— Do you wear a jacket or an overcoat when it’s cold? — When it’s cold, I always wear an overcoat.

[eι] (3), rain (3), raincoat (3), a raincoat — raincoats. When it rains Dad always puts on his raincoat. I don’t often put on my raincoat — I don’t like to wear raincoats.

[aι] (3), tights, these tights, those tights, new tights, children’s tights, warm tights. These tights are brown, and those tights are grey. — What colour tights do you like to wear? — I like to wear blue tights, and you?

74. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 5. Listen to the poem “Let’s Play”.

Let’s Play

I shall be a lion,

And you will be a bear.

I shall run after you

And you’ll hide under the chair.

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

75. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 6. Listen to the dialogue “At the Shop”.

At the Shop

Mrs Smith: Good afternoon!

Shopman: Good afternoon, Mrs Smith.

Mrs Smith: Could I change this sweater, please? I bought it yesterday for my son.

Shopman: Why? What’s wrong with it?

Mrs Smith: It’s the wrong size.

Shopman: Is it too big or too small?

Mrs Smith: It’s too small for him.

Shopman: I’m sure this sweater will be the right size for your son.

Mrs Smith: Thanks a lot.

b) Read the dialogue after the announcer.

Lesson 61

76. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[e] (3), well (3), read well, write well, skate well, run well, do well, play chess well, very well. My father can play chess very well. — What can you do well? — I can swim well. — What can’t you do well? — I can’t skate well. — Can your brother play chess well? — Yes, he can play chess very well.

[əυ] (3), slow (3), a slow runner, a slow animal. — What animals are slow? — I think tortoises are slow. I don’t think John is a slow runner. I think the clock is ten minutes slow. Don’t be so slow or we’ll be late! Slow — slower — the slowest. — Are these boys slow runners? — Yes, they are: John is a slow runner, Bob is slower than John, and Alf is the slowest. Slow — slowly.

[ι] (3), quick (3), a quick runner, a quick reader, a quick animal. I don’t think sheep are quick animals. Don’t be so slow! Be quick and eat your lunch! Quick — quicker — the quickest. Mary is a quick swimmer, Liz is quicker, and Polly is the quickest. Quick — quickly, run quickly, swim quickly, read quickly, write quickly, speak quickly. — Can you run quickly? — I think I can. — Who can read very quickly? — Tim can. Do it quickly! Do it as quickly as you can! Time goes so quickly!

77. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 8. Listen to the dialogue.

Ann: Mum, we are going to the theatre with Granny and Brett doesn’t want to put on his new coat and trousers.

Mother: Oh, Brett, why don’t you want to put on your new coat and your new trousers? They are so nice! They suit you so well! You’ll look great!

Brett: Tastes differ. I don’t like new clothes!

b) Read the dialogue after the announcer.

Lesson 62

78. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[eι] (3), day (3), [o] (3), off (3), day off (3), on days off, on my days off, on my father’s days off. — What do you usually do on your days off? — On my days off I always go to the swimming pool with Dad. — Will you go to the theatre on your day off? — Yes, I shall.

[i:] (3), week (3), [e] (3), end (3), weekend (3), weekends, at weekends. “Time off” is the time after work and at weekends. We often visit our granny at weekends. — What are your plans for the next weekend? — At the weekend we are going to visit our relatives.

79. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 6. Listen to the poem “My Mother”.

My Mother

Who said “Goodnight”

When I was a child?

My mother.

Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gay

And showed me often how to play?

My mother.

Who ran to help me when I fell

And who could funny stories tell?

My mother.

Who sits at my head when I am in bed?

My mother.

Who is so nice, who is so kind,

And so dear you’ll never find?

My mother.

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

Lesson 63

80. Listen to the story and finish it up.

Tomorrow I shall not go to school because it will be Sunday. Mum and Dad will have a day off too. But they will not be at home — they will go to visit their friends.

I shall be at home. I shall invite my friend Jill to come to me. We shall play. She will be Big Grey Wolf and I shall be Little Red Riding Hood. Jill will put on the mask of a wolf, my mother’s old grey overcoat and my father’s old big grey hat. We shall make a tail for the wolf. I shall put on my red dress and my new red cap.

You know this tale, don’t you?

Little Red Riding Hood will go to visit her granny. But who will be Granny? I think we shall invite Kate to come and play with us.

Lesson 64

81. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 9. Listen to the dialogues.


Kitty: Oh, Liz, you look great in that party dress! It’s so beautiful!

It suits you very well.

Liz: Thank you. I like it too.


Mother: Oh, Sam, you look terrible in that yellow shirt! It doesn’t suit you at all!

Sam: Well, I like it. Tastes differ.

b) Read the dialogues after the announcer.

82. Listen, say after the announcer and make sure if you know the meaning of the words and phrases.




bad (worse, the worst)







foot (feet)










look after







day off













put on








wear (wore)







sheep (sheep)




take off (took off) wolf (wolves)

I say.

It’s warm.

That’s a good idea.

What’s wrong with it?

Keep the right thing in the right place.

The right (wrong) size (for)...

What size (shoes) do you wear?

It suits you (well)!

Try on.

It’s cold.

You look great!



high boots







don’t forget









find (found)

choose (chose)







fall (fell)



Lesson 67

83. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[i:] (3), season (3), a season — seasons, a warm season, a cold season, a beautiful season, four seasons. There are four seasons in a year. — What is your favourite season? — Summer is my favourite season. But I think that all seasons are beautiful.

(3), autumn (3), a cold autumn, a beautiful autumn. Autumn is yellow. It’s autumn now. Autumn is my granny’s favourite season. In autumn trees are of different colours — green, yellow, brown and red.

[ι] (3), winter (3), a cold winter. Winter is white because there’s snow in winter. It’s winter. It’s usually cold in winter, but not always. Children can have a lot of fun in winter. In winter they can play hockey, snowballs, skate, ski and sledge.

[ι] (3), spring (3). It’s spring. Spring is green. Spring comes after winter. It’s warmer in spring than in winter. — Do you like spring? — Certainly I do! Spring is my favourite season.

[Λ] (3), summer (3). Summer comes after spring. It’s summer now. It’s warmer in summer than in spring. Summer is the warmest season of the year. Last summer it was very hot! — Do you like summer? — Certainly I do!

84. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 5. Listen to the poem “Seasons”.


Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white,

Spring is green,

Summer is bright.

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

85. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 6. Listen to the dialogues.


Mrs Smith: I say, Jim, how’s the weather today?

Mr Smith: It’s terribly hot!

Mrs Smith: Then Bob will wear a white shirt and his blue trousers today.

Mr Smith: That’s right!


Sandy: Hello! Could I speak to Sue, please?

Sue: This is Sue. Hello!

Sandy: Are you busy today?

Sue: No, I’m not.

Sandy: Well then, let’s go to Hyde Park. The weather is so fine.

Sue: Great! See you there in 10 minutes.

Sandy: OK.

b) Read the dialogues after the announcer.

Lesson 68

86. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[e] (3), November, in November. There are 30 days in November. In Russia November is an autumn month. In Great Britain November is a winter month. In November it often rains and sometimes snows.

[е] December (3). December comes after November. — Is December an autumn month? — No, December is a winter month. On the 25th of December English people celebrate Christmas. On the 31st of December people celebrate New Year.

[æ] (3), January (3), in January, the first of January, on the first of January. January comes after December. The first of January is the first new year’s day (day of a new year). December and January are winter months. — Does it often snow in January? — Yes, it often snows in January.

[e] (3), February (3), in February, on the twelfth of February. My birthday is on the twelfth of February. January comes before February. In February there are 28 or 29 days. In Great Britain November, December, January and February are winter months. In winter in Great Britain it rains and snows.

[n] (3), because (3), because it’s cold, because it’s hot, because it’s interesting, because I like it. I like winter, because in winter I can ski, skate, play snowballs and make a snowman. Willy, put on your warm mittens, because the weather is very cold today.

87. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 7. Listen to the poem “Winter”.


It’s winter now, so bundle up tight!

Warm mittens and caps will be just right.

Ice on the lake, snow on the ground,

Time to ski and skate all around.

Winter, spring, summer, fall —

I like winter best of all.

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

c) Listen to the poem “When Does Snow Blow?”.

When Does Snow Blow?

When does snow blow?

When do flowers grow?

Is it best to go a little slow

When streets are covered with ice and snow?

d) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

Lesson 69

88. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[a] (3), March (3), in March, the 8th of March, on the 8th of March. My mother’s birthday is on the 15th of March. March is the first spring month. — What month comes before March? — February does.

[eι] (3), April (3), in April, the second of April, on the second of April. — Is your sister’s birthday in March or in April? — Her birthday is on the fifth of April. The 1st of April is April Fool’s Day. In Great Britain there are two spring months: they are March and April.

[a] (3), grass (3), green grass, long grass. In spring the grass is green. — Is the grass green in autumn? — No, the grass is usually yellow in autumn. — What animals eat grass? — Horses, sheep and cows do. They like to eat grass.

[i:] (3), a leaf (3), a leaf — leaves, green leaves, small leaves. In spring the leaves on the trees are green and small. The trees look beautiful with their small green leaves.

89. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 6. Listen to the dialogue “Talking about the Weather”.

Talking about the Weather

Jim: Hi, Jack! This is Jim. I’m calling from Africa!

Jack: From Africa? What are you doing in Africa?

Jim: I’m on holiday.

Jack: How’s the weather in Africa? Is it hot?

Jim: Terribly hot!

Jack: Are you having a good time?

Jim: No, I’m not! I’m having a terrible time. The weather is terrible here!

Jack: I’m sorry to hear that.

b) Read the dialogue after the announcer.

Lesson 70

90. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[eι] (3), May (3), in May, on the first of May. — Is it warm in May? — Sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn’t. — Is May a spring or a summer month? — In Great Britain May is the first summer month.

[u:] (3), June (3), in June. June comes after May. — How many days are there in June? — There are 30 days in June. In Great Britain June is the second summer month. — How’s the weather in June? — It’s usually warm in June.

[aι] (3), July (3), in July, on the 15th of July. — What month comes after June? — July does. — How many days are there in July? — There are 31 days in July. July is the third summer month in Great Britain. It’s warmer in July than in June. My granny’s birthday is on the 21st of July.

91. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 5. Listen to the poem “Spring”.


Spring is here,

Summer is near.

Grass is green,

So nice and clean.

Winter, spring, summer, fall —

I like spring best of all.

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

Lesson 72

92. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[n] (3), forest (3), a forest — forests, in the forest, to the forest, near the forest. The forests are green in summer. Isn’t it nice to walk in the forest? How beautiful the forest looks in winter! Is there a forest near your country house? — Do you like to play snowballs in the forest in winter? — Certainly I do!

[i:] (3), field (3), a field — fields, in the field, to play in the field. — Do grasshoppers live in the fields? — Yes, they do. — Isn’t it nice to walk in the fields in summer? — Certainly it is! There are a lot of fields and forests in our country. Look! How beautiful the field is!

(3), August (3), in August, on the 21st of August.— How many days are there in August? — There are 31 days in August. In Great Britain there are four summer months: May, June, July and August. — Which is your favourite summer month? — August is.

[e] (3), September (3), in September, on the first of September. September is the first autumn month. — How many days are there in September? — There are 30 days in September. — Does school start on the first of September? — In Russia it usually does, if the first of September is not Saturday or Sunday. In Great Britain school starts on the first of September too, but not on Monday.

[əυ] (3), October (3), in October, on the second of October. — What month comes after September? — October does. — How many days are there in October? — There are 31 days in October. It’s colder in October than in September. — How many autumn months are there in Great Britain? — There are only two — September and October. — Isn’t it interesting that there are only two autumn months in Great Britain — September and October? — Certainly it is!

93. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 7. Listen to the poem “Summer”.


The summer sun shines hot and high.

Baby birds now learn to fly.

Green, green leaves and tasty fruit.

All the things are so good!

Winter, spring, summer, fall —

I like summer best of all.

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

94. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 8. Listen to the song “When Trees Are Green”.

When Trees Are Green

When trees are green and forests are green,

When trees are white and forests are white,

And grass is green and long,

It’s good to walk in the forest

And listen to little birds’ song.

Because they are covered with snow,

It’s good to be outofdoors and play.

Oh, I love it so!

b) Read after the announcer,

c) Sing with us,

d) Sing to the music.

Lesson 73

95. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 5, Listen to the poem “Fall”.


Put on your jacket and jeans for fall,

Now it’s cold to play football!

Leaves turn orange, red and brown,

And they all are falling down.

Winter, spring, summer, fall —

I like fall best of all!

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

Lesson 74

96. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 4, Listen to the song “World Weather”.

World Weather

In the North it’s snowing,

And in the South it’s hot.

In the East the wind is blowing,

And in the West — it’s not.

In the South the sun is shining,

And in the West the sky is blue.

In the East it’s raining,

And in the North it’s raining too.

b) Read after the announcer,

c) Sing with us,

d) Sing to the music.

Lesson 76

97. a) Listen to the tale “Little Bear” and answer the teacher’s questions,

Little Bear

It’s autumn — a dull cold season. The days are short, and the nights are long and cold. It’s very cold in the forest. Little Bear is at home. It’s dull at home.

Little Bear goes for a walk. He wants to play hide-and-seek with his bear friends and have some fun. But he can’t see his friends in the forest — they are all at home because it’s warm there. Little Bear wants to swim, but he can’t — the water is very cold! He wants to eat, but he can’t see any fruit or vegetables in the forest. It’s so dull in the forest now! And Little Bear goes home.

His Mother-Bear is happy to see him. She kisses him and says, “Do you want apples?”

“Certainly! Thank you, Mum!”

“And vegetables?”

“Oh, I’d love to!” says Little Bear.

The apples and the vegetables are so tasty! It’s so warm at home! And his dear Mother is with him! Yes, home is the nicest place to be! Oh, home, sweet home!

There is no place like home!

b) Of course you know some tales, don’t you? Get ready to tell any tale you like to your classmates.

Lesson 80

98. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[ι] (3), river (3), a river — rivers, a long river, a beautiful river. There’s a river near our country house, it isn’t very long, but it’s beautiful! — On what river does London stand? — London stands on the Thames. English people call this river “Father Thames”. And Russian people call the Volga River — “Matushka Volga”. — Do you like to swim in the river or in the lake? — I like to swim in the river.

[i:] (3), sea (3), a sea — seas, the Black Sea, the White Sea. In summer we usually go to the Black Sea. Last summer, when we lived near the sea, I learned to swim. The water in the Black Sea is usually warm in summer.

[əυ] (3), ocean (3), ocean — oceans. — Do you know the names of all the oceans? — Yes, I know that there are four oceans and I know their names.

99. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 4. Listen to the dialogue.

Jack: Hello, Mike! Did you have a good holiday?

Mike: Yes, thanks. Did you?

Jack: Yes, lovely.

Mike: Ah, well ... Back to school now. Ready for work?

b) Read the dialogue after the announcer.

100. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 5. Listen to the poem “Butterfly”.


Butterfly, butterfly,

Where do you fly,

So quickly and high,

In the blue, blue sky?

b) Read the poem after the announcer and learn it.

Lesson 81

101. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[з:] (3), earth (3), the earth, on the earth. The earth is very, very big. — How many oceans are there on the earth? — There are four oceans on the earth. There are a lot of rivers and lakes on the earth. People live on the earth.

[ι] (3), hill (3), a hill — hills, green hills, high hills, to ski down the hills. I like to ski down the hills in winter. Is there a lake near the hill? Can you see those green hills near the river?

[aυ] (3), mountain (3), a mountain — mountains, high mountains. — Which is higher — a hill or a mountain? — A mountain of course! There are no high mountains in Great Britain. — What is the highest mountain on the earth? — I think the Everest is.

102. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 6. Listen to the song “Little Cabin in the Wood”.

Little Cabin in the Wood

Little cabin in the wood.

Little man by the window stood.

Little rabbit hopping by,

Knocking at the door.

“Help me, help me, sir!” he said,

“For the farmer bobs my head.”

“Come on in,” the little man said,

“Warm up by the fire.”

b) Read after the announcer.

c) Sing with us.

d) Sing to the music.

Lesson 82

103. Learn to pronounce and use the new words. Listen and repeat.

[eι] (3), nature (3), to take care of nature, to love nature. All people on Earth must take good care of nature. Nature is full of wonders.

[u:] (3), moon (3), the moon. The moon doesn’t shine in the daytime. You can see the moon in the sky at night.

[a] (3), star (3), a star — stars, a bright star, a little star, a lot of stars.— Can you see stars in the daytime? — No, we can’t — we can see a lot of stars in the sky at night.

104. a) Open your textbook, Exercise 8. Listen to the song “A Sailor Went to Sea”.

A Sailor Went to Sea

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea

To see what he could see, see, see.

But all that he could see, see, see

Was the blue, blue sea, sea, sea.

b) Read after the announcer,

c) Sing with us,

d) Sing to the music,

Lesson 84

105. Listen to the story, Think of a title and of an end for it,

Bob’s family has got a small but very nice country house. The place is beautiful there. There is a forest and a lake near the house. They’ve got a garden with different fruit trees. Bob’s father enjoys gardening. Bob and his little sister Liz often help their parents work in the garden.

Last summer the family didn’t go to the sea and spent the summer in the country. Every morning Bob went to the lake to swim and to fish.

One morning, as usual, Bob went to the lake to fish. Soon his pail was full of fish.

The weather was fine. The sun was high up in the sky. Bob was terribly hot. He thought: “I’ll swim in the lake first before I go home. I’ll take the fish home and ask Mum to cook fish soup. We all like fish soup. Mum will be happy.” Bob swam and played in the lake for a long time.

When he got out of the water, there was no fish in the pail ...

Lesson 89

106. Listen to the story “All Things Are Difficult Before They Are Easy” and answer the questions, Then listen to the correct answers and repeat them,

All Things Are Difficult Before They Are Easy

Last year we had very nice holidays — we went to the sea. It was for the first time, because usually we spend our holidays in the country.

We went to the sea by car. On the way we saw a lot of beautiful places: green fields and large forests, high mountains and long rivers, green hills and beautiful lakes.

But the most wonderful thing was the sea! How happy we were when we saw it!

When we came there it was late evening. The sky seemed to be black. We could see the bright moon and a lot of bright stars in the sky! The sea seemed to be black too. I thought it was wonderful!

The first thing we did in the morning was to run to the sea.

What a pity I couldn’t swim! My dad, mum and my brother enjoyed swimming, and I could only play in the warm sea water.

The next day Dad taught me to swim. At first it was difficult to learn to swim, but I tried my best.

Now I can swim very well. You know, “All things are difficult before they are easy”, as the proverb says.


1. Where do they usually spend their holidays? (pause)

They usually spend their holidays in the country. (pause)

2. Where did the family go last summer? (pause)

Last summer they went to the sea. (pause)

3. What was the most beautiful thing that they saw? (pause)

It was the sea. (pause)

4. Did they come to the place in the morning or in the evening? (pause)

They came there in the evening. (pause)

5. Could the boy swim at first? (pause)

No, he couldn’t. (pause)

6. Who taught him to swim? (pause)

His father did. (pause)

7. What new proverb have you learned? (pause)

“All things are difficult before they are easy.” (pause)

107. Listen, say after the announcer and make sure if you know the meaning of the words and phrases.














leaf (leaves)


























How’s the weather today?

I’m on holiday.

It’s terribly hot.

I’m sorry to hear that.

Great! See you there in 10 minutes.

Yes, lovely.

I’m calling from Africa.

Ready for work?


the sun
















in a town



in the country

all around








become (became)





























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