
Английский язык - Книга для учителя 10 класс - Углублённый уровень - О. В. Афанасьева - 2017 год


Учебные ситуации и часы

Новые слова1


Вокабуляр и грамматика

Тексты для чтения

Тексты на аудирование

Стихи, песни,




Man the Creator (Unit 1) Periods: 1—38

1. affect

2. affectation

3. affected

4. arrange

5. arrangement

6. discord

7. discordant

8. gasp (n, v)

9. greed

10. greedy

11. masterpiece

12. piece

13. poverty

14. poverty- stricken

15. shadow

16. sheer

17. victim

1. to arrange sth for sb

2. to arrange for sth/sb to do sth

3. to come to an arrangement about sth

4. to make arrangements for sth

5. arranged marriage

6. note of discord

7. gasp of fear

8. to gasp with pain

9. to gasp for breath

10. piece of (cake)

11. below the poverty line

12. to live in poverty

13. in the shadow of sb/sth

14. in the shadows

15. in shadow

16. to cast shadows

17. by sheer luck

18. out of sheer joy

19. to pore over sth

20. to breathe sth in

21. to have a shock

22. to catch one’s breath

23. to feel amazed

24. to feel a lump in one’s throat


1. Words not to be confused:

shadow/shade lump/piece victim/sacrifice discord/accord affect/effect affectation/affection

2. compound adjectives (easygoing, well-paid, blue-eyed, etc.)

3. phrasal verb to die + ...



1. pronoun

2. noun

New material:

1. pronoun one (ones)

2. nouns + a singular verb; nouns + a plural verb; nouns + a plural/singular verb

1. Handmade Beauty

2. Old and New Art

3. Three Musicians

4. Improvisation No. 26 (Rowing)

5. The Picture

6. Sunflowers

7. Seipentine Gallery

8. Photography

1. Famous Artists


2. Ballet Dancers


3. Zinaida Serebryakova


Mona Lisa.


Nina, Pretty Ballerina.


Writing a description: theory and practice


Optional Lesson


Test 1

41, 42

Reading Lessons 1, 2

Man the Believer (Unit 2) Periods: 43—81

18. awe

19. awesome

20. betray

21. claim

22. confirm

23. confirmation

24. demand

25. demanding

26. deny

27. denial

28. deserve

29. execute

30. execution

31. innocent

32. innocence

33. menace

34. menacing

35. seek (sought)

36. seeker

37. sentence

38. trial

39. trying

25. to be/stand in awe of sb/sth

26. to betray sb’s trust (beliefs)

27. to claim lost things/to claim to do sth

28. to confirm one’s identity/sb’s fears

29. to confirm sb in sth

30. to demand sth of/from sb

31. to deny doing sth

32. there is no denying that ...

33. to be denied sth

34. sth is denied to be

35. to deserve sb’s time/attention

36. to be considered innocent until proved guilty

37. to be a menace to sb/sth

38. to seek (for) sth

39. to be sentenced to sth

40. to be/go on trial

41. to undergo clinical trials

42. to take sb/sth on trial

43. to be a trial to sb


1. Words not to be confused:

in spite (of)/despite

require/demand seek (for)/look for

feast/holiday feast/meal pupil/disciple

2. prefixes to form derivatives

3. phrasal verb to carry + ...



1. adverbs

2. adjectives

New material:

1. adjectives used only predicatively

2. predicatively used adjectives vs attributively used adjectives

3. adjective modifiers

4. adjectives before and after nouns (the concerned doctor/ the doctor concerned)

5. word order of attributes in nominal complexes

6. adverbs to express speaker’s attitudes

1. Norse Mythology

2. World’s Major Religions

3. Best-remembered Bible Stories:

a) Palm Sunday

b) Good Friday

c) Crucifixion

4. Information about mysteries

5. Information about places of Pilgrimages

6. Confucius

1. Wedding Superstitions


2. Myth about Zeus and Europa


3. Greek Legend about Prometheus


4. The Twelve Gods of Olympus


5. Best-remembered Bible Stories:

a) Palm Sunday

b) Good Friday

c) Crucifixion




2. Happy New Year



1. How Brave Are You?

2. Things I Did for Luck

3. Lucky Escape

4. Unhappy Ending


1. You cannot serve God and Mammon.

2. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

3. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

4. Spare the rod and spoil the child.


1. Twelve Days of

Writing descriptions: practice


Optional Less



Test 2

84, 85

Reading Lessons 3, 4

Man — the Child of Nature (Unit 3) Periods: 86—124

40. board (v, n)

41. notice-board

42. chessboard

43. chopping board

44. diving board

45. ironing board

46. dartboard

47. emery board

48. electronic board

49. decency

50. decent

51. distress (v, n)

52. distressing

53. disturb

54. disturbance

55. disturbing

56. fade

57. hesitate

58. hesitation

59. hesitant

60. oppressive

61. oppression

62. rub

63. scratch (v, n)

64. shiver

65. shrewd

66. spin (spun, spun)

67. treat (v, n)

68. treatment

69. ferret (v)

70. ape (v)

71. monkey

72. rat (n)

73. dog (v)

74. duck (v)

75. wolf (v)

76. rabbit (v)

77. snake (V)

44. board of governors

45. board of trustees

46. board of directors

47. executive board

48. advisory board

49. editorial board

50. examination board

51. management board

52. to provide board and lodging

53. full board

54. half board

55. welcome aboard

56. to be aboard

57. to be on board

58. to be above board

59. to sweep the board

60. sense of decency

61. common decency

62. to have the decency to do sth

63. to fade into the distance

64. to hesitate about sth

65. to hesitate over sth

66. to scratch sth on sth

67. to do sth from scratch

68. up to scratch

69. to scratch one’s head

70. to scratch a living

71. to scratch a surface

72. to scratch around (for sth)

73. to scratch one’s plans

74. to scratch together

75. to shiver with cold

76. to spin round/ wool

77. to treat sb coldly (politely)

78. to be treated for sth

79. to treat for sth

80. to monkey about with sth

81. to rat on sb

82. to wolf down

83. to rabbit on


1. Words not to be confused:

smell/scent/aroma/reek strange/queer/odd

2. compound adjectives (a five-year-old child, a first-rate film)

3. phrasal verb

to rub + ...


Revision: verb (finite forms)

New material:

1. verbs with two objects

2. ergative verbs

1. Information about nature protecting organizations

2. Information about volcanoes

3. A part from “Watership Down” by R. Adams

4. The Sound Machine

1. Wildfires


2. Speaking about pollution


3. Interview with an ecologist



The Eagle



1. In the Fields

2. The Lake Isle of Innis-free

Saying: Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours

Writing narrations: theory and practice


Optional Lesson


Test 3

127, 128

Reading Lessons 5, 6

78. beg

79. beggar

80. embarrassed

81. embarrass

82. embarrassing

83. fancy (n, adj, v)

84. fee(s)

85. precise

86. precisely

87. reflect

88. reflection

89. remain

90. remains

91. risk (n, v)

92. risky

93. shabby

94. shabbiness

95. twinkle

84. to be embarrassed

85. to give an apologetic laugh

86. to give a cursory glance

87. to look at sb with curiosity

88. to say sth straight out

89. to give up a good safe job

90. to look at sb intently

91. to reflect on sth

92. to shake one’s head

93. to hesitate to do sth

94. to beg for sth/ to beg (not) to do sth

95. to be (too) embarrassed by/ about sth

96. to fancy doing sth

97. fancy that .../ Fancy that!

98. to charge/pay fees

99. to be precise

100. to reflect for a moment

101. the risk of sth/doing sth

102. to take a/the risk

103. to risk sth/ doing sth

104. to risk it

105. by accident

106. by heaven

107. to catch sight of sb/sth

108. to earn one’s living

109. to keep body and soul together


1. Words not to be confused:






2. shortening as a word-building process

3. interjections (exclamations)

4. phrasal verb

to stick + ...



verb (non-finite forms)

New material:

1. phrases with the infinitive

2. the infinitive after help

3. structures with have + V/Ving

1. Text about R. L. Stevenson

2. Text about

happy moments of speakers’ childhood

3. The Happy Man

1. Happy Mother


2. Text about

happy moments of speakers’ lives


3. The University of Life



1. Young and Old

2. Sea-fever

Song: Don’t Worry, Be Happy


Saying: Beggars can’t be choosers

Writing narrations: practice


Test 4

170, 171

Reading Lessons 7, 8

172, 173



Pinal Test


Optional Lesson

1 В таблицу не включены слова и словосочетания из раздела Topical Vocabulary, представленные списком в уроках учебника и словаре (см. учебник, с. 37—38, 86—87, 133—134, 180—181).

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